Day: July 22, 2021

Sonal Puri | Modern Commerce & Edgy Hosting

Welcome to Talk Commerce. Where we explore how merchants, agencies, and developers experience commerce and the ecosystems, and communities they work and live in. This week we interview Sonal Puri, CEO at Webscale. We discuss the meaning of “Modern Commerce ”, how online retailers should be thinking about new technology (the shiny new thing is sometimes the best), and how Core Web Vitals is something that requires every merchant’s attention (yesterday). We also discuss Jay Smiths’ “Edgy” open letter, as well as how Webscale prides itself on always pushing the market in terms of features and capabilities. Sonal also shares how important she feels it is that we mentor young people today, helping them complete their education and finish college. This episode was recorded on June 21st, 2021

Sonal Puri talks about Edgy Hosting
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