
Talk Commerce - Casey Drake Endear SalesChat

Revolutionizing Retail: Endear’s Casey Drake on the Power of SalesChat and Clienteling

In this special partner episode of Talk Commerce, we’re thrilled to have Casey Drake, the VP of Sales at Endear, join us for an insightful discussion on the future of retail CRM and clienteling. Sponsored by Content Basis and Endear, this episode contains valuable tips and strategies to help you supercharge your online sales and build stronger customer relationships.

The Game-Changing Power of SalesChat

One of the key topics Casey dives into is Endear’s revolutionary SalesChat feature, which transforms how brands connect with customers online. As Casey explains:

“SalesChat is a live chat widget on your website. It’s Endear’s what we’re calling our live chat feature is SalesChat. And we put that word sales on it for a reason because it’s meant to be and separate itself from a traditional support chat widget that people might be used to putting on their website.”

By empowering store associates to engage with customers through SalesChat, brands can create personalized shopping experiences that drive conversions and foster long-term loyalty.

Bridging the Gap Between In-Store and Online Sales

Another crucial point Casey raises is the importance of breaking down the walls between retail teams and e-commerce teams. Too often, these teams view each other as competitors rather than allies. However, as Casey points out:

“I think the only way you get that wall broken down is with like, we need to have a conversation about attribution and how store associates can get attribution for online sales. It doesn’t need to be every online sale, but give them a way to do that.”

By providing store associates with the tools and incentives to contribute to online sales, brands can create a more cohesive and effective retail strategy.

Talk Commerce – Casey Drake

The Importance of Hiring and Empowering the Right People

Throughout the episode, Casey emphasizes people’s critical role in the success of any retail strategy. As he wisely states:

“I think so many brands need to like really take their hiring process seriously and then treat the good ones that they do get, treat them well and put them in the positions to succeed. Cause that like none of this works if you don’t have good people.”

Brands that want to deliver exceptional in-store and online customer experiences must invest in talented, trustworthy store associates.

Embracing the Future of Retail

As the retail landscape continues to evolve, brands must adapt and innovate to stay ahead of the curve. By leveraging cutting-edge tools like Endear’s SalesChat and prioritizing clienteling, brands can unlock new opportunities for growth and success.

So, if you’re ready to take your retail strategy to the next level, be sure to tune in to this value-packed episode of Talk Commerce featuring Casey Drake. Trust me, you won’t want to miss the incredible insights and actionable tips shared throughout this conversation.

Strategic Partnerships: Navigating the Evolving Marketing Landscape with Brian Gerstner

Welcome back to Talk Commerce! Today, we had the pleasure of chatting with Brian Gerstner, President of White Label IQ, about the crucial role of strategic partnerships in the ever-changing marketing world. Brian’s insights into leveraging partnerships, navigating the rise of AI, and preparing for the upcoming holiday season were truly insightful.

The Power of Niche Expertise and White Label Partnerships

Brian emphasized the increasing need for specialization in the marketing industry, especially with the rise of AI tools like Jasper and ChatGPT. He believes AI will ultimately “beat the mediocrity out of all of us,” pushing agencies and businesses to focus on their core strengths and partner for specific needs.

“AI is going to not be your friend” if you’re “just getting things done and checking off boxes.”

This resonated with me deeply. As someone who has witnessed the evolution of the digital marketing landscape, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial it is to develop and excel in a niche. Partnering with experts like White Label IQ allows agencies to access specialized skills without the fixed costs of hiring full-time staff.

AI: A Tool, Not a Replacement

While AI presents incredible opportunities, Brian rightly points out that it does not replace human expertise. AI tools are powerful for content creation and iteration, but they lack the emotional intelligence and strategic thinking humans bring.

“AI is great at creating the pieces… but it’s not really great at bringing the pieces together.”

I couldn’t agree more. As marketers, we must guide and curate AI, ensuring it aligns with our brand voice, understands our audience, and ultimately serves our business objectives. The human touch is essential in crafting compelling narratives and building authentic customer connections.

Gearing Up for the Holiday Season and Beyond

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, Brian offered valuable advice for merchants and agencies.

“Plan ahead for next year… collect the information so that you can follow up with people so that you can grow your audience.”

His emphasis on leveraging first-party data for post-holiday nurturing resonated strongly. Building relationships with customers acquired during the holiday rush is key to long-term success.

Final Thoughts

Brian’s insights underscore the importance of adapting to the evolving marketing landscape. Embracing niche expertise, leveraging strategic partnerships, and understanding the potential and limitations of AI is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. As we head into the holiday season and beyond, remember the value of human connection and strategic collaboration in achieving sustainable growth.

Be sure to check out the full episode of Talk Commerce to hear more from Brian Gerstner and gain valuable insights for your business!

Navigating the Marketplace Maze: Insights from Marketing Maverick Josh Gibson

Welcome to the latest entry on my “Talk Commerce” blog, where I, Brent, your host and guide, delve into the dynamic world of commerce and marketing. In a recent episode, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Josh Gibson, a seasoned marketing leader and the Vice President of Marketing at Simon Data. Josh’s expertise lies in scaling early-stage and venture-backed B2B SaaS companies, and he brought a wealth of knowledge to our conversation.

The Sojourn Group’s Mission: Empowering Brands in the Marketplace

Josh Gibson is not just a marketing guru; he’s also at the helm of Sojourn Group, a consulting agency that specializes in helping brands transition from traditional distribution models to thriving as third-party sellers on marketplaces like Amazon and Walmart. During our chat, Josh illuminated the various services they offer, from customer service to PPC, warehousing, and listing optimization. It’s clear that Sojourn Group is dedicated to ensuring brands can navigate the complexities of marketplace selling with ease.

A Day in the Life of a Marketing Leader

Josh’s day-to-day is a testament to his leadership and vision. Overseeing a team of 36, he ensures that every department is aligned and driving the company forward. But it’s not all work and no play for Josh; he’s a family man at heart. He cherishes spending time with his wife and four kids, especially when it involves camping for 40 to 50 nights a year. It’s this balance of professional drive and personal passion that makes Josh a truly inspiring figure in the marketing world.

The Lighter Side of Commerce

Our conversation took a playful turn when I shared a joke, prompting a humorous exchange. It’s moments like these that remind us of the human element in business, something that’s often overlooked but is always present.

The Marketplace Giants: Amazon, Walmart, and Target

The discussion shifted to the competitive landscape of marketplaces, where giants like Amazon, Walmart, and Target are vying for dominance. Josh highlighted Target’s strategic approach to onboarding new sellers and the recent partnership between BigCommerce and Target. He shed light on the application process, approval timelines, and the unique requirements of each platform.

The eBay Enigma and Beyond

We also tackled the challenges and opportunities of selling on eBay and pondered the potential for smaller marketplaces to stand toe-to-toe with the industry’s heavyweights. Josh’s insights into the complexities of marketplace selling were eye-opening, underscoring the importance of a strong team to manage the multifaceted nature of this business model.

The Power of Partnership and Optimization

Josh emphasized the value of partnering with agencies like Sojourn Group, which can help brands cut through the noise and optimize their marketplace listings for maximum impact. He also touched on the fulfillment services offered by Amazon and Walmart, the rise of multichannel fulfillment, and the crucial role of data visualization and reporting in marketplace performance.

Final Thoughts

Our conversation with Josh Gibson was a deep dive into the evolving landscape of marketplace selling. For brands looking to expand their presence across various platforms, the insights shared in this episode are invaluable. The strategic considerations discussed will undoubtedly aid any company in making informed decisions about their marketplace strategies.

Stay tuned for more episodes of “Talk Commerce,” where we continue to explore the intersection of marketing, technology, and commerce. Until next time, keep innovating, keep marketing, and keep creating connections that drive commerce forward.

The Future of Loyalty Programs: Insights from Lin Dai of Superlogic

In this episode of Talk Commerce, we had the pleasure of sitting down with Lin Dai, the CEO and co-founder of Superlogic, to discuss the evolving landscape of loyalty programs. Lin shared his expert insights on how brands are revolutionizing their rewards strategies to drive customer engagement and retention in innovative ways. As an entrepreneur and points enthusiast himself, Lin brought a unique perspective to the conversation that left us with plenty of food for thought.

The History and Importance of Loyalty Programs

Lin kicked off the discussion by walking us through the history of loyalty programs, from their humble beginnings with copper coins and paper stamps to the sophisticated digital ecosystems we see today. He emphasized the critical role that rewards have come to play in the business models of industries like airlines, hotels, and credit cards.

“If you look up American Airlines stock today, I think it’s trading somewhere between $8 to $9 billion. So essentially, they are being perceived as a very profitable and very well-run rewards program that happened to run a money-losing business of flying planes.” – Lin Dai

This quote from Lin really drove home the point that loyalty programs have become more than just a marketing tactic – they’re a core part of many companies’ financial strategies.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Loyalty Landscape

Of course, running a successful loyalty program is no easy feat. Lin highlighted some of the key challenges that brands face, such as the massive liabilities created by unredeemed points on corporate balance sheets.

“American Express issues about more than $1 billion of new points every quarter. So when they give you 100 points, they have to track on their corporate balance sheet a dollar of liability. So that piles up very fast.” – Lin Dai

But with challenges come opportunities, and Lin shared how Superlogic’s technology platform is helping brands tackle these issues by incentivizing customers to burn their points in creative ways. By capturing customer data across online and offline touchpoints and rewarding behaviors beyond just transactions, brands can build more engaging and profitable loyalty programs.

The Future of Loyalty: Hybrid Rewards and Peer-to-Peer Marketplaces

Perhaps the most exciting part of our conversation with Lin was hearing about the innovative strategies that Superlogic is pioneering to take loyalty programs to the next level. He introduced us to the concept of hybrid rewards models that incorporate digital collectibles and badges alongside traditional points.

“What we do is we build a system or hybrid system to integrate with existing programs or build brand new programs that has a hybrid points, but also digital badges, essentially non fungible rewards that represent you completed a specific action. And by collecting the right combination, you unlock really big rewards.” – Lin Dai

Lin also shared a case study of how Superlogic helped Warner Music achieve a 9x increase in loyalty engagement by implementing a peer-to-peer rewards marketplace. The idea of empowering customers to trade points and perks with each other is a fascinating one, and it’s clear that this kind of outside-the-box thinking is what will define the future of loyalty marketing.

Final Thoughts

Talking with Lin Dai was an enlightening experience that left me with a newfound appreciation for the complex world of loyalty programs. It’s clear that the brands that will win in this space are those that are willing to innovate, experiment, and put the customer experience at the center of their rewards strategies.

As marketers and entrepreneurs, we could all stand to learn from the examples and insights that Lin shared. Whether you’re looking to optimize an existing loyalty program or build one from scratch, this episode of Talk Commerce is a must-listen.

Unleashing the Power of Video Marketing: Tips from Expert Jeremy Toeman

In today’s digital landscape, video has emerged as a game-changer for businesses looking to engage their audience and boost their online presence. To delve deeper into the world of video marketing, I had the pleasure of interviewing Jeremy Toeman, a seasoned expert with an impressive track record in the media and tech conversion space.

Throughout our conversation, Jeremy shared invaluable insights and practical tips that can help businesses of all sizes leverage the power of video content. Let’s dive in and explore the key takeaways from our discussion.

The Importance of Video in Today’s Marketing Landscape

Jeremy emphasized the significance of video in reaching and engaging audiences in the current digital era. He highlighted some eye-opening statistics:

“YouTube has 500 hours of content uploaded per minute. TikTok users spend an average of 95 minutes per day inside a TikTok.”

These numbers underscore the immense potential of video content in capturing the attention of your target audience. However, Jeremy also pointed out a surprising fact:

“70% of US businesses today have zero capacity for making more than one video a year.”

This revelation highlights the untapped opportunities for businesses to stand out and connect with their audience through video marketing.

Overcoming the Challenges of Video Creation

One of the primary roadblocks businesses face when it comes to video creation is the perceived complexity and cost associated with the process. Jeremy acknowledged this challenge and shared his own experience:

“I quickly realized two things is that one, this is a brilliant product and two, I will never be good at it. You know, and the analogy I make, it’s like me trying to learn how to pilot a helicopter just to go get milk at the corner store.”

However, Jeremy emphasized that with the right tools and approach, video creation doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. He encouraged businesses to embrace the concept of “good enough” videos, focusing on authenticity and relevance rather than striving for Hollywood-level production quality.

Leveraging Video for SEO and Sales

When it comes to leveraging video for SEO and sales, Jeremy shared a valuable insight:

“Google gives approximately a 50% SEO bump to any homepage with a video on it.”

This underscores the importance of incorporating video content on your website, especially on your homepage, to improve your search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

Additionally, Jeremy advised businesses to pay attention to the platforms where their target audience is most active. Whether it’s TikTok, YouTube, or other social media channels, tailoring your video content to the specific platform’s format and audience preferences is crucial for maximizing engagement and conversions.

Embracing the Power of AI in Video Creation

As we discussed the role of AI in video creation, Jeremy emphasized the importance of human oversight and editing:

“We are at the stage of AI where human in the loop is a requirement. And if you’re representing a brand, you wanna do that one over on everything that’s going out there, because we’re already seeing a lot of pushback on how AI is being used and frankly misused.”

While AI can significantly streamline the video creation process, it’s essential to review and refine the generated content to ensure it aligns with your brand’s message and values.

Final Thoughts and Actionable Advice

As we concluded our conversation, Jeremy left us with some actionable advice for businesses looking to embrace video marketing in the coming year:

“If you haven’t started in 2023, fine. Start in 2024. There’s way too many methods of creating video from your existing content to not be trying. The results are phenomenal.”

He encouraged businesses to start small, experiment with different video formats and platforms, and most importantly, to not be afraid of imperfection. The key is to get started and continuously refine your approach based on the insights and feedback you receive.

If you’re ready to unlock the potential of video marketing for your brand, head over to meetAugie.comand explore the AI-powered video creation tools offered by Jeremy’s company. For Airbnb hosts, be sure to check out for a one-click solution to create promotional videos for your listings.

Remember, the power of video is within your reach. Embrace it, experiment with it, and watch your brand’s online presence soar to new heights.

To dive deeper into the world of video marketing and hear more of Jeremy’s valuable insights, be sure to listen to the full podcast episode on Talk Commerce.

Driving Growth Through First-Party Data: Insights from Bonsai’s Matt Butler

In this episode of Talk Commerce, we have the pleasure of speaking with Matt Butler, CEO and co-founder of Bonsai. Bonsai is a company that measures and generates incremental outcomes for their clients through the power of first-party data. With a background in retail analytics at Google and a passion for data-driven storytelling, Matt brings a wealth of knowledge to the conversation.

The Shift in Digital Marketing

Matt discusses the changing landscape of digital marketing, particularly in the post-pandemic era. He notes that the days of simply throwing money at Google and Facebook ads to drive growth are gone. As he puts it:

“The attention around your consumer is incredibly sophisticated. So many platforms, it’s competitive. And so everyone’s sort of hit this sort of plateau, is what we hear.”

To overcome this plateau, businesses need to focus on generating incremental outcomes through first-party data.

The Power of First-Party Data

Bonsai’s approach to measurement revolves around leveraging a business’s own sales data, customer behavior insights, and touchpoints. By stitching these elements together, they can provide a deeper understanding of customer acquisition and optimization. Matt explains:

“A business is zoned sales data, customer behavior insights and identity and touch points, those things, when stitched together, can dive deeper so that when you’re thinking about acquiring a customer from a Google, you can see what else that customer is doing. You can understand if it’s really a new one or how to optimize media to find that next new customer.”

Small Wins, Big Impact

When it comes to measuring success, Matt emphasizes the importance of small wins. He shares an example:

“Some of our big wins were helping clients take, you know, pools of like large pools of money for acquisition, drive 15% better throughput, right? And you’re like, okay, 15%, you know, guys, that’s 10 million more incremental annual dollars, right?”

These seemingly small percentages can translate into significant business growth when applied at scale.

Unifying Customer Data

For retailers with both online and brick-and-mortar presence, Matt stresses the importance of having a single source of truth for customer identity. He advises:

“If you’ve got online and you’re going into stores, unify that customer ID, right? Like use a point of sale that like you can bring that data together if you’re a brick and mortar going online. Same approach, right? Have a single view of your own customer.”

By unifying customer data across channels, businesses can gain a more complete view of their customers and make data-driven decisions.

The Future of Data in Retail

Looking ahead to 2024, Matt sees a mainstream realization of the need for retailers to own their customer conversation and data. He predicts:

“This year is definitely like, you’re not getting your house in order, you’re probably officially going to start falling behind.”

Businesses that prioritize first-party data and measurement will be well-positioned for success in the coming years.

As the retail landscape continues to evolve, the insights shared by Matt Butler and Bonsai demonstrate the critical role that first-party data plays in driving growth. By leveraging their own customer data, businesses can make informed decisions, optimize their marketing efforts, and ultimately achieve incremental outcomes.

To learn more about how first-party data can benefit your business, be sure to listen to the full episode of Talk Commerce featuring Matt Butler.

Mastering Personalized Marketing with Decile CEO Cary Lawrence

In this episode of Talk Commerce, I had the pleasure of chatting with Cary Lawrence, the CEO of Decile, a customer data and marketing platform built by marketers for marketers. Cary shared her passion for food and cooking, but more importantly, her deep insights into the world of data-driven marketing. Join us as we delve into the power of first-party data and how Decile is helping marketers create personalized experiences that drive customer loyalty and profitable growth.

Navigating the Cookieless World with Decile

Cary explained how Decile is well-positioned to help marketers thrive in a world without third-party cookies. By focusing on identity-based marketing and leveraging first-party data, Decile enables marketers to create personalized experiences without relying on device IDs or cookies. As someone who values privacy, I appreciate Decile’s approach to using data responsibly while still delivering value to customers.

The Art of Personalization: Balancing Relevance and Privacy

One of the key challenges in personalized marketing is striking the right balance between relevance and privacy. Cary emphasized the importance of creating an equal value exchange, where customers willingly share their information in return for personalized offers and experiences. By leveraging machine learning to analyze customer attributes and behaviors, Decile helps marketers deliver targeted messages that resonate with individual customers without crossing the line into invasiveness.

Finding Your High-Value Customers with Predictive Analytics

Cary shared a fascinating insight: the top 10% of customers are often responsible for 40-60% of a company’s revenue and profit. This highlights the importance of identifying and nurturing high-value customers. Decile’s predictive analytics capabilities help marketers identify not only their most valuable customers today but also those with the highest propensity to purchase in the future. As a marketer myself, I can attest to the power of focusing on retention and extracting more value from existing customers.

The Future of Marketing: Sustainability, Loyalty, and AI

Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, Cary identified several trends that will shape the future of marketing. Sustainability, both in terms of packaging and product, will continue to be a key focus for consumers, especially younger generations. Customized loyalty programs that cater to individual preferences will become more prevalent. And while the role of AI in customer service is still evolving, Cary believes that generative AI and chatbots have the potential to streamline and improve the customer experience, provided they are executed flawlessly.

The Final Data Bit

My conversation with Cary Lawrence was a fascinating deep dive into the world of data-driven marketing. As marketers, we have a responsibility to use data ethically and responsibly, always keeping the customer’s best interests in mind. By leveraging the power of first-party data and predictive analytics, we can create personalized experiences that delight customers and drive profitable growth. If you’re looking to take your marketing to the next level, be sure to check out Decile and the innovative work they’re doing in the space.

Unlocking the Power of Social Media Marketing with Annie Schiffmann

I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Annie Schiffmann, founder and CEO of Downstage Media, on my podcast, Talk Commerce. As an expert in social media marketing with a passion for musical theater, Annie shared invaluable strategies for creating an impactful yet efficient presence across today’s social platforms.

In our lively chat, we explored everything from choosing where to focus your efforts to crafting engaging content that sings. Read on for Annie’s top tips that will have your social media presence hitting the high notes.

Balancing Personal Passions with Professional Goals

Annie’s career is a testament to blending enthusiasm with expertise. After years of performing on stage, she now helps businesses take center stage online. This unique background gives Annie an innovative approach to digital marketing.

Composing a Social Symphony

A typical “day in the life” for Annie involves meetings, strategizing, writing, and content creation. She compares it to composing a symphony—many interconnected components creating something greater than the sum of its parts. Annie also dedicates time to sharing her knowledge through her book, blog, and more.

Harnessing the Power of Automation

One of our key discussions centered around utilizing automation tools to save time on social media. Annie explained the difference between merely scheduling posts and actually automating them for efficiency. Platforms like MeetEdgar and HubSpot help streamline your strategy.

Choosing the Right Stages

With so many options, deciding where to focus your social media presence can be daunting. Annie suggests playing to your strengths and priorities. Rather than chasing trends, select one or two platforms that align with your goals, audience, and capabilities.

Curating Your Social Media Toolbox

To maximize your impact on social, Annie recommends automation programs like MeetEdgar and HubSpot. These enable the development of an intelligent content calendar while retaining authenticity. You don’t have to do everything manually.

Engaging in Two-Way Conversations

Annie emphasized that social media should facilitate meaningful conversations, not just one-way broadcasting. By responding to comments and incorporating feedback, you build relationships.

Striking the Right Personal/Professional Balance

We also discussed best practices for developing your personal versus company branding on social platforms. Annie believes brands should highlight their human side while focusing the majority of content on professional topics.

Connecting with Annie Schiffmann gave me valuable insights into leveling up my social media strategy without getting overwhelmed. I encourage you to check out the full Talk Commerce episode, as well as Annie’s book, for more of her wisdom. Just remember—when using social media, put your best self forward!

The Launch of Gemini

he Launch of Gemini marks a significant milestone in the evolution of digital marketing automation. This cutting-edge platform offers a comprehensive suite of features, including campaign management, marketing automation, CRM, and data analytics, to help businesses streamline their marketing operations, gain valuable customer insights, and drive growth.

The Intersection of Magic and Marketing: A Conversation with Irwin Hau

The Art of Nurturing and Educating Customers

As the host of “Talk Commerce,” I’ve had the pleasure of engaging with some of the most innovative minds in the industry. In a recent episode, I sat down with Irwin Hau, the founder of Chromatics and a magician, who brought a unique perspective to the table. Today, I want to share the fascinating conversation we had about the intersection of magic and marketing and how this blend can transform how we approach sales, customer education, and website optimization.

The Pitfalls of Sleazy Sales Tactics

During our discussion, Irwin and I delved into the negative stereotype of the sleazy salesperson. We agreed that authenticity and focusing on one’s strengths are crucial in providing exceptional service. Irwin’s advice? Refer business to specialists when necessary to ensure the best service for your clients. It’s about building trust and long-term relationships, not just making a quick sale.

Website Optimization and Customer-Centric Marketing Strategies

Irwin’s concept of “website whispering” is about quickly identifying and resolving website issues to improve conversion rates. He stressed the importance of customer-focused marketing and website design, prioritizing the needs and benefits of the customer over self-promotion.

Balancing Creativity with Functionality

A key takeaway from our conversation was the balance between creativity and functionality in website design. Irwin emphasized purpose-driven design, which should always serve the customer’s needs rather than the subjective creativity of the designer.

Practical Advice for Businesses

Irwin’s practical advice for businesses is to focus on the basics of website design. Ensure that your website clearly answers the key questions: Who are you? What do you offer? How can you be contacted? He reminded us that a website is a powerful sales tool and should prioritize customer-centric design and clear communication.

Connect with Irwin Hau

Irwin generously shared his contact information and promoted his companies, Chromatics and Conversion Cow. He invited listeners to connect with him on LinkedIn and explore the services offered by his businesses.

Enhancing Online Presence and Customer Engagement

Irwin Hau’s insights are a treasure trove for businesses aiming to boost their online presence and customer engagement. By applying the principles of magic to marketing—focusing on nurturing, educating, and genuinely caring for customers—we can create a more effective and enchanting customer experience.

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