No Code Commerce 101

Have you ever wondered what differentiates large and small online retailers? How do the big guys maintain such a large customer base? What are their particular strengths, and how can we leverage them to our advantage? As an ecommerce developer, you’ll want to know all of this if you want to grow your business. Learning about the pros and cons of coding vs. no code is a great start. The industry is currently divided into two primary camps: those who build stores with no or low code, like Shopify or BigCommerce, and those who build stores with developer-level access, like Shopware or Magento. Every platform has its own strengths and weaknesses. Depending on your business goals, personal preferences, and customer base, there may be one more advantageous for your company than others.

No Code Platforms (SaaS)

One of the first things you’ll want to know about no-code programming is whether or not you have control of your software. Companies that control their software are more likely to have more flexibility because they can make changes without restrictions. If an organization uses software as a service (SaaS), it can suffer from limited functionality and reduced technological capacity when it’s time to implement new features. That could ultimately hurt your business. The other main thing to look at is the type of ecommerce platform the company offers. The ecommerce industry is currently divided into two primary camps: those who build stores with no code and low code, like Shopify or BigCommerce, and those who build stores with developer-level access, like Shopware or Magento.

Akeneo is an excellent example of a PIM that has to the ability of no code.

Pros of No Code

  • They are easy to set up.
  • No-developer programming companies pride themselves on simplicity.
  • They want to ensure that customers can set up their online stores with minimal hassle, which is why most rely on user-friendly interfaces. That’s precisely what you want when trying to get your business up and running. You don’t want to spend hours fumbling with a complicated system or spending thousands on developer hours.
  • Easy to change or add functionality
  • Since no-developer programming companies don’t require heavy programming, it’s really easy to add or change functionality, which is a significant plus for future-proofing your store.
  • Easy to hire employees

If you choose a no-developer programming company, you can tell your employees not to worry about learning complex coding languages. This will make it easier to hire employees and increase productivity, which is essential if you want to build a large, scalable business.

Cons of No Code

  • Limited control over the tech.
  • You might not be able to change the basic functionality of your store even if you need to make a significant change. That’s because no-developer programming companies rarely give their customers control over the code; that’s the company’s job.
  • Little room for customization
  • Because you don’t have any control over the code, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever be able to add in any significant customizations. You’ll have to rely on the company to introduce new features as they’re developed — and they may or may not do that.

If you plan to build a considerable business, you may want to choose a development platform that allows you to scale up. No-developer programming companies don’t offer that flexibility and will eventually break under the pressure of a high-volume business.

Which Type of Ecommerce Org is Right for You?

These are all generalities, of course, but they’ll help you decide which type of ecommerce organization is best for your business. If you’re a small retailer with low volume, you might be better off with SaaS. If you’re planning on scaling quickly or if your business is highly technical, you’ll want to go with a developer-level ecommerce platform. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to make a decision right away. In fact, it can be helpful to test out a few different types of companies to get a feel for what they’re like. You’ll have a better idea of what you’re looking for once you’ve tried out a few different platforms.

No-Code Commerce with Kaus Manjita


  • Who is Brent Peterson? Brent is a serial entrepreneur and marketing professional with a passion for running. He co-founded Wagento and has a new adventure called ContentBasis. Brent is the host of the podcast Talk Commerce. He has run 25 marathons and one Ironman race. Brent has been married for 29 years. He was born in Montana, and attended the University of Minnesota and Birmingham University without ever getting his degree.

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