Articles & Podcast Episodes

Developing Developer Relations at BigCommerce with Constanze Kratel

We speak with Constanze Kratel, the senior developer relations manager with BigCommerce. Constanze came from Microsoft and had been helping build a more extensive community of developers at BigCommerce. It’s not just developer, developer, a developer like Steve Ballmer used to say. There are lots of fun things in store with BigCommerce, and this episode gives you a taste of what is to come if you’re a developer, project manager, or even a merchant. Lots of good things are happening at Big Commerce.

Changing the Face of the Marketing Industry with Kelli Williams

Are you a fearless leader? Do you shy away from hard conversations or dive headlong into them? We interview Kelli Williams, who recently took on the Interim CEO role at The BrandLab in Minneapolis. She is changing the face of marketing one person at a time.

Some of the work they do at Brand Labs is what they call fearless work, and it’s all about having fearless conversations. It’s about having conversations that you just started by saying,

“You know what, I have some blind spots. I have some areas of opportunity to learn more to bring additional diverse thinking and to understand areas of bias or areas that I may not be comfortable with so that I can, as a business leader, create opportunities to have conversations and to create safe environments for all people on my team.”

What’s so special about BigCommerce and GraphQL?

To remain relevant in an increasingly digital world, e-commerce must adopt scalable, fast, and cost-effective technologies. That’s where GraphQL comes in. This blog post will explore why GraphQL will be a game changer for BigCommerce in 2023, how GraphQL can help drive sales and customer engagement within your app, and how it can enhance customer service experiences within your site or app.

10 Reasons why Brand Collaborations Fail.

Some brand x brand collaborations make perfect sense. But for everyone that takes off, it seems like there’s another that falls flat. Why is that? Some would say it’s because the brands are mismatched, but we think there might be something more to it. Join us as we take a closer look at why brand collaborations fail – and how you can avoid them.

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