What is Acheta (Cricket) Powder and Why Should You Consider Using It?

A Brief Background

Acheta powder, also known as cricket powder, is made from crickets that have been dried and ground into a fine powder. Crickets may seem like an unusual ingredient, but they are packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Consuming insects like crickets, known as entomophagy, has been practiced for centuries in many parts of the world. However, it has only recently started gaining popularity in Western cultures. Cricket powder allows people to experience the nutritional benefits of this sustainable protein source in an easy-to-use powdered form.

Nutritional Profile

One of the main reasons to consider using Acheta powder is its impressive nutritional makeup. Gram for gram, crickets contain:

  • High-quality protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Fiber
  • Vitamins and minerals like iron, calcium, B12, and more

Crickets are an excellent source of protein, with about 60-70% protein content by dry weight. This protein also contains all 9 essential amino acids required by humans, making it a complete protein.

Additionally, crickets contain beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3s, as well as prebiotic fiber to support gut health.

Compared to common protein powders like whey or plant-based blends, cricket powder offers a more balanced macronutrient profile. It provides protein alongside natural fats, carbs, and fiber.

Sustainability Benefits

Transitioning some protein consumption to insect-based options like Acheta powder has sustainability advantages as well.

As the global population increases, finding environmentally friendly protein sources is crucial. Traditional livestock production places a heavy burden on land, water and energy resources. It also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

On the other hand, crickets require minimal space, water and feed in order to grow. Emissions from cricket farming are estimated to be significantly lower per pound compared to beef or other meats.

Simply put – swapping some meat for crickets helps lessen your environmental footprint. So enjoying Acheta powder not only benefits your body, but benefits the planet too.

Using Acheta Powder

Taste and Texture

When properly processed, Acheta powder has a pleasant nutty, umami flavor. It can seamlessly blend into shakes, smoothies, bakes goods and more without affecting taste or texture.

Many people compare it to hemp or nut-based powders in terms of flavor. The powder has a fine, smooth consistency almost like flour. This makes it very versatile to cook and bake with.

Easy to Digest

Since the exoskeleton and legs have been removed prior to grinding the crickets into powder, it is typically well-tolerated and easy to digest. This allows your body to properly access and absorb all the nutrients.

However, like most new foods you introduce into your diet, it’s wise to start slowly at first. Give your body time to get accustomed to this new protein source. This will minimize chances of any initial digestive discomfort.

Adding to Food and Drink

Acheta powder conveniently mixes into many foods and drinks, including:

  • Smoothies
  • Juices
  • Yogurt
  • Oatmeal
  • Pancakes and baked goods
  • Sauces
  • Soups and stews
  • Protein shakes
  • Plant-based dairy substitutes like milks, puddings, ice creams and cheeses

The neutral flavor and fine texture allows it to seamlessly blend in without detection in many recipes.

Try starting with 1 tablespoon (8-10 grams) mixed into a smoothie, shake or breakfast food. Then work up from there once comfortable.

Dos and Don’ts

When cooking or baking with Acheta powder, keep these tips in mind:


  • Store powder in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer to maintain freshness and nutrient content
  • Mix powder into cooler liquids like smoothies to prevent clumping
  • Drink plenty of fluids when increasing intake to support digestion and hydration


  • Expose powder to moisture or humidity for prolonged periods
  • Add powder directly to hot liquids, as this can cause clumping
  • Drastically increase intake if you experience initial digestive discomfort

Start slowly with small amounts, and increase gradually over time. Be patient with your body’s adjustment period when introducing this unique new protein source.

Potential Benefits Beyond Nutrition

Research on the long-term effects of consuming insect protein is still ongoing. However, there are some additional potential wellness benefits worth highlighting.

Supports Blood Sugar Balance

Compared to many plant and animal-based protein powders, Acheta powder contains beneficial fiber, healthy fats and digestible carbs. This balanced nutrient profile helps maintain even blood sugar levels post-meal – preventing energy crashes later.

The high fiber specifically helps slow digestion, resulting in a steady release of energy over a few hours rather than just immediately after eating.

Boosts Gut Health

Prebiotics are fibers that feed the healthy bacteria in your digestive system. Acheta powder naturally provides prebiotic fiber to help these good bugs flourish.

A healthy gut microbiome impacts overall wellness, including immune and metabolic health. More research is still needed, but optimizing your gut flora may also benefit weight management, skin health, mental health and reduce systemic inflammation.

Environmentally Sustainable Choice

As mentioned earlier, transitioning some meat consumption to insect-based protein like Acheta powder has ecological upsides.

If eco-friendly nutrition is important you, crickets represent a more sustainable choice – allowing you to walk the walk while also benefiting your personal health goals.

The Takeaway

At the end of the day, Acheta (cricket) powder is gaining popularity because it checks a lot of boxes. It provides complete, high-quality protein that’s easy to digest. The nutrient profile is balanced with natural carbs, healthy fats and digestion-supporting fiber. And it achieves this in an eco-friendlier way than most other protein options.

Still have hesitations? Remember that other cultures have consumed insect protein safely for thousands of years. Acheta powder offers a convenient way to get your feet wet with entomophagy from the comfort of your own kitchen.

So if you’re looking to increase protein intake, support health goals like blood sugar regulation or gut health – or reduce your environmental impact – Acheta powder is worth considering.

The next step? Slowly start experimenting with recipes and enjoy exploring this new sustainable superfood!


  • Who is Brent Peterson? Brent is a serial entrepreneur and marketing professional with a passion for running. He co-founded Wagento and has a new adventure called ContentBasis. Brent is the host of the podcast Talk Commerce. He has run 25 marathons and one Ironman race. Brent has been married for 29 years. He was born in Montana, and attended the University of Minnesota and Birmingham University without ever getting his degree.

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