Meet Magento Malaysia

Muliadi Jeo

Meet Magento Malaysia: A Hub for Southeast Asian Commerce

Hey Commerce fans! This week on Talk Commerce, I had the pleasure of chatting with Muliadi Jeo, the CTO of CirClo and a driving force behind Meet Magento events in Southeast Asia. We dove into the exciting upcoming Meet Magento Malaysia, the importance of the Magento Association, and the enduring strength of the Magento community. Muliadi’s passion for Magento and his dedication to fostering its growth in the region is truly inspiring. Let’s dive into the highlights of our conversation!

A New Chapter for Magento in Malaysia

Muliadi shared the exciting news about the upcoming Meet Magento Malaysia, taking place on August 27th. He explained how he saw a need for a dedicated Magento event in Malaysia, a central hub between Singapore and Indonesia, and how the event will cater specifically to the needs of the Malaysian Magento community.

This really resonated with me. I remember the early days of Meet Magento events, and how challenging it could be to gain traction. Starting smaller and focusing on local needs is a fantastic strategy, and I applaud Muliadi’s vision for building a strong foundation for the Magento community in Malaysia.

The Power of Localized Events

Muliadi emphasized the importance of prioritizing local needs and building a strong local ecosystem. Meet Magento Malaysia will focus on connecting Malaysian merchants with local payment partners, shipping providers, and other key players in the ecommerce landscape.

I think this is a crucial aspect of building a thriving community. While large-scale events have their place, smaller, localized gatherings allow for more intimate networking and knowledge sharing, fostering deeper connections within the community.

The Magento Association: Connecting and Empowering

A Vital Resource for the Community

We also discussed the Magento Association and its role in supporting the Magento community. Muliadi highlighted the importance of the Association as a forum for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and advocacy.

I couldn’t agree more. The Magento Association provides a valuable platform for Magento users, developers, and partners to connect, learn, and contribute to the growth of the platform.

The Strength of the Magento Community

Throughout our conversation, Muliadi’s passion for the Magento community shone through. He spoke about the unique camaraderie and collaborative spirit that sets the Magento community apart.

Having been involved in both the Magento and Shopify communities, I can attest to the special bond within the Magento ecosystem. The willingness to share knowledge, help each other, and push the boundaries of what’s possible is truly remarkable.

It was a pleasure chatting with Muliadi about the exciting developments in the Southeast Asian Magento community. Meet Magento Malaysia promises to be a fantastic event, and I encourage anyone in the region to attend. The Magento community continues to thrive, driven by passionate individuals like Muliadi who are dedicated to its growth and success.

To learn more about Meet Magento Malaysia, visit And be sure to listen to the full podcast episode for even more insights from Muliadi!

What are your thoughts on the future of the Magento community? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Learn More about the Magento Association

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