
Exploring GraphQL: Trends and Predictions for the Modern Web

Exploring GraphQL: Trends and Predictions for the Modern Web

GraphQL is a powerful query language for the modern web. It is used to send and receive data from web applications. It is becoming increasingly popular in the web development world as it offers several advantages over traditional REST APIs.

BigCommerce and GraphQL

What’s so special about BigCommerce and GraphQL?

To remain relevant in an increasingly digital world, e-commerce must adopt scalable, fast, and cost-effective technologies. That’s where GraphQL comes in. This blog post will explore why GraphQL will be a game changer for BigCommerce in 2023, how GraphQL can help drive sales and customer engagement within your app, and how it can enhance customer service experiences within your site or app.

GraphQL vs Rest

Restful vs. GraphQL

GraphQL and REST are two popular APIs for building scalable, modern applications.

BigCommerce GraphQL

BigCommerce GraphQL API: Why You Should Care

BigCommerce recently released an updated GraphQL API feature with enhancements, functionality, and REST APIs. These advancements are exciting

TalkCommerce GraphQL Interview

Protected: Interview with Rebecca Hauck from BigCommerce on GraphQL

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