
Talk Commerce Chase Clymer

Avoiding Common Pitfalls When Setting Up Your Shopify Store with from Chase Clymer

In the world of e-commerce, setting up a Shopify store can be an exciting venture. However, many merchants fall into common traps that hinder their success. In this special episode of Talk Commerce, I sit down with Chase Clymer, the expert climber of all things Shopify, to discuss the most common mistakes merchants make when setting up their online stores and how to avoid them.

Overinvesting in Customizations Too Early

One of the biggest mistakes merchants make is overinvesting in customizations when their store is not ready for it. Chase emphasizes this point, stating:

“If your store is doing under a million, you could even argue under 5 million. You don’t need a custom theme. This is maybe controversial to some shops out there. But I think that over investing in design is more appealing to a brand’s founder, especially one that’s a design-oriented creative. And it doesn’t really add much to your bottom line.”

Instead of focusing on expensive customizations early on, Chase recommends investing in marketing and customer acquisition. Your resources are better spent on driving traffic and sales to your store.

Poor User Experience (UX) Choices

Another common pitfall is making poor UX choices, either due to a lack of expertise or understanding of the customer journey. Chase points out several areas where merchants often stumble:

“Navigation is always, always bad. It’s like the first thing I can see, I’m like, who built this site? I could tell that they didn’t know what they’re doing. The way the navigation is set up for an eCommerce store. Additionally, sorting and filtering is often overlooked. And then it’s 2024 now. And I still have to have conversations about mobile optimization with people.”

To avoid these mistakes, it’s crucial to work with an expert who understands the intricacies of e-commerce UX and can help optimize your store for conversions.

Neglecting Content Strategy

Content is king, and neglecting it can be detrimental to your Shopify store’s success. Chase emphasizes the importance of investing in high-quality content:

“When we talk about content, oftentimes when I’m having conversations with merchants about designing new stores, content comes up and I’ll send them examples and they’re like, that looks great. This looks great. That looks great. And I’m like, yeah, you want all these things have in common is they have great content. They have awesome imagery. They have great copy. They have good video.”

Beyond visuals, Chase also stresses the significance of written content, such as telling your brand’s story and having a robust blogging strategy. These elements help build trust with your customers and establish your expertise in your niche.

In conclusion, setting up a successful Shopify store requires careful planning and avoiding common mistakes. By focusing on the right investments, prioritizing UX, and developing a strong content strategy, you can set your store up for long-term success. As Chase Clymer reminds us, it’s essential to work with experts who can guide you through the process and help you optimize your store for conversions.

To dive deeper into this topic and gain more valuable insights, be sure to listen to the full episode of Talk Commerce featuring Chase Clymer. His expertise and practical advice will help you navigate the world of Shopify and take your online store to new heights.

Talk-Commerce Tim Bucciarelli

Exploring the Ecommerce Landscape with Tim Bucciarelli 

In this episode of Talk Commerce, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tim Bucciarelli, the Director of Engagement at Iron Plane. Tim brought a wealth of knowledge from his diverse background, covering everything from his daily role to his passion for technology and writing. Our conversation spanned various intriguing topics, including the evolution of ecommerce platforms, the agency-client relationship, and speculative trends shaping the future of ecommerce. If you’re navigating the ecommerce landscape or seeking insights into effective client communication and platform selection, this blog post distills key takeaways and personal reflections from our enlightening discussion.

The Multifaceted Role of an Ecommerce Agency

One of the first insights Tim shared was about his role at Iron Plane, which encapsulates marketing, sales, client success, and partnerships. This “engagement” role is crucial because it ensures a cohesive approach to interacting with all stakeholders. From my perspective, such a role is vital in today’s fragmented digital world, ensuring that all aspects of an ecommerce business are aligned towards common goals.

The Importance of Communication in Client-Agency Relationships

Tim emphasized the significance of open communication in preventing misunderstandings and last-minute surprises, especially when dealing with complex technology projects. This resonated with me deeply. As someone who has been on both sides of the table, I understand how vital clear and timely communication is to the success of any project. It’s about setting the right expectations and being transparent about the process, time, and costs involved.

Navigating Platform Choices: Magento, Shopify, and BigCommerce

Our conversation took an interesting turn when discussing the differences between being a merchant and an agency, particularly in terms of platform choices. Tim’s journey from a Magento merchant to advocating for BigCommerce and Shopify highlighted the evolving needs of ecommerce businesses. It’s a reminder that there is no one-size-fits-all solution; the choice depends on a myriad of factors including business size, budget, and long-term objectives.

The Future of Ecommerce Platforms

Looking at the future, we delved into the potential shifts in the ecommerce platform landscape, including the role of open source solutions like Magento and emerging players like Shopware. This part of our discussion underscored the importance of adaptability and forward-thinking in selecting an ecommerce platform. It’s not just about what works now but what will support growth and adapt to changing market dynamics in the future.

Total Cost of Ownership and the ROI of Ecommerce Investments

A critical takeaway from our talk was the concept of total cost of ownership and its impact on platform selection. As Tim aptly pointed out, businesses need to consider not just the upfront costs but the long-term investment in a platform. This is where insights from an experienced agency like Iron Plane can be invaluable, helping businesses make informed decisions that align with their financial and operational goals.

Thoughts on what we heard:

Our discussion with Tim Bucciarelli was a deep dive into the intricacies of the ecommerce ecosystem. Through his insights, we explored the importance of engagement, communication, and strategic platform selection. The ecommerce world is vast and complex, but with the right approach and guidance, businesses can navigate it successfully. Whether you’re considering a platform switch, looking to improve client-agency relations, or simply curious about the future of ecommerce, there’s a wealth of knowledge to be gleaned from this conversation.

For those eager to explore these topics further, I encourage you to listen to the full episode of Talk Commerce. And remember, whether you’re an established ecommerce business or just starting, the journey towards success is a continuous learning process. Stay curious, stay informed, and don’t hesitate to seek expert advice when needed.

The Winding Road- Navigating the Mid-Market Merchant's Journey

The Path Forward: Evaluating eCommerce Platforms for Mid-Market Merchants

For merchants feeling trapped on legacy platforms, Shopware provides an enterprise-grade alternative matching mid-market requirements. The combination of flexibility, affordability, and support makes Shopware a compelling option.

Erica Guider

Harnessing the Power of Data Analytics in Retail: A Conversation with Erica Guider

In this episode of Talk Commerce, Brent and Madeleine interview Erica Guider from 42 Technologies about the importance of data analytics for retail brands. They discuss the role of data analytics in making informed decisions, the benefits of using an analytics tool versus building one in-house, and the challenges of using Google Analytics.

Erica explains how 42 Technologies helps unify data from different platforms and provides accurate and readable data for analysis. They also touch on the role of AI in data analytics and share success stories of brands that have made an impact with unified data. The episode concludes with discussing key strategies for the upcoming quarter and a shameless plug for 42 Technologies.

Introducing Erica Guider from 42 Technologies

Our episode kicked off with a warm introduction of Erica Guider, a key player in the sales team at 42 Technologies. Erica’s role involves managing accounts and ensuring that clients’ data is clean and organized on their visual dashboard. Her passion for retail is evident, and she is driven by the goal of giving people more time by streamlining their data processes.

The Importance of a Unified Data Spot

One of the main topics we discussed was the importance of having a centralized data source. Erica explained how 42 Technologies works with platforms like BigCommerce, NetSuite, and Apparel Magic to combine different data points from various channels, such as e-commerce and point of sale (POS). The aim is to clean and scrub the data to ensure accuracy and make it readable for humans. This approach overcomes the limitations of Google Analytics and provides more accurate numbers through daily snapshots of data.

The Role of AI in Data Analytics

Our conversation also touched on the potential role of AI in data analytics. Erica shared their plans to develop a chatbot that can provide quick answers to retail teams. This innovative approach is set to revolutionize the way retail businesses access and interpret their data.

The Impact of Data Analytics on Brands

Erica highlighted the impact that data analytics has made for clients like Figs, a scrubs brand. By providing real-time updates on inventory and sales, 42 Technologies has helped brands like Figs to streamline their operations and make more informed decisions.

The Importance of Granular Data Analysis

Erica emphasized the importance of analyzing data at a granular level, such as specific attributes like color, to make informed decisions about stocking items. She also discussed the negative effects of markdowns on a brand and customer expectations, highlighting the need for careful inventory management and understanding sell-through rates.

A Special Offer for Shopify Clients

As a Shopify certified plus partner, 42 Technologies is offering a free trial for Shopify clients. This is a fantastic opportunity for businesses to experience the benefits of a unified data spot and make more informed decisions based on accurate, granular data.

Wrapping Up with Some Light-Hearted Moments

Our conversation wasn’t all business. We shared some light-hearted moments and jokes, including a discussion about our experiences at Costco. I concluded the segment by thanking Erica for her time, humor, and invaluable insights into the world of retail data analytics.

In conclusion, our conversation with Erica Guider highlighted the importance of data analytics in retail businesses. By harnessing the power of a unified data spot, businesses can make more informed decisions, streamline their operations, and ultimately drive their success.


  • Data analytics is important for businesses of all sizes to make informed decisions.
  • Using an analytics tool can save time and money compared to building one in-house.
  • Unified data from different platforms provides accurate and readable information for analysis.
  • AI tools can help with predictive analytics and answer specific questions quickly.
  • Strategies for the upcoming quarter include focusing on sell-through and right-sizing inventory.

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Talk-Commerce Jamin Arvig

From Amazon to Everywhere: Navigating the Multichannel Landscape with Jamin Arvig

In a recent podcast episode, I welcomed Jamin Arvig, the co-founder of aiC Brands, a company that owns, operates, builds, and buys e-commerce brands. Jamin is also a co-founder of AIcommerce, a service company that provides multichannel marketing and growth benefits to brands. He is also involved in the Junior Presidents organization, which aims to teach kids about entrepreneurship and starting businesses.

The Importance of Multichannel Strategies for E-commerce Brands

Our conversation quickly shifted to the importance of multichannel strategies for e-commerce brands. Jamin explained that diversification is crucial for business stability and higher valuations. With the increasing competition and costs on platforms like Amazon, having a presence on multiple channels becomes even more important. Additionally, being present across various channels increases brand value and awareness.

Amazon’s Expansion Beyond Its Platform

We also discussed how Amazon is expanding beyond its platform through initiatives like Buy with Prime. Jamin explained that Amazon wants to capture customers who start their product searches elsewhere, and they are partnering with e-commerce platforms like Shopify to grow their infrastructure. Buy with Prime allows brands to leverage Amazon’s fulfillment network and benefit from quick delivery and lower shipping costs.

The Importance of Customer Experience and Branding Strategy

We addressed the misconception that Amazon is a soulless marketplace with limited opportunities for brand differentiation. Jamin explained that Amazon has added various features over the years that allow sellers to tell their brand story, such as branded pages, plus content, ads, comparable products, matrices, and videos. However, he acknowledged that there are still limitations to fully expressing a brand’s story on the Amazon platform.

We emphasized the benefits of creating a customer experience on your own website, where the possibilities are limitless. By leveraging the “Buy with Prime” button, sellers can combine the advantages of Amazon’s two-day shipping and name recognition with the ability to tell their brand story in any way they want on their own site.

The Need for Differentiation

We discussed how having a generic product on Amazon can make it difficult to stand out among the competition. Jamin highlighted the need for differentiation, including a strong supply chain, intellectual property (IP) protection, and a unique customer experience or community. He mentioned that having patents, trademarks, and even an app can make it more challenging for others to copy your product.

Choosing a Platform for Direct Sales

We discussed the considerations that bigger brands must make when choosing a platform for their direct sales. One advantage of using Amazon Prime is the happy feeling that comes with knowing your order will be delivered. However, Shopify Plus charges an additional fee for using an external gateway, and it’s unclear if Prime is even available for Shopify yet. Shopify has limited payment options compared to BigCommerce, which allows more flexibility.

Jamin agreed and added that regardless of the platform, there are costs involved in fulfillment, shipping, and labor. The difference lies in the commission charged by Amazon. He explained that deciding which platform to choose depends on factors like conversion rate increase and overall cost-effectiveness.

Expanding into New Channels

When expanding into new channels, Jamin explained that companies can either invest in building the capability internally, acquire a company with the desired capability, or partner with someone who already has it. He suggests that partnering with a fractional team can be more effective and cost-efficient, especially when resources are limited.

We mentioned aiCommerce as a potential partner, and Jamin agreed, stating that their reason for existing is to serve brands as they explore new channels. He mentioned that many brands achieve success by partnering with them.

Our conversation with Jamin provided valuable insights into the world of e-commerce, the importance of multichannel strategies, and the role of branding in differentiating products on platforms like Amazon. It’s clear that the future of e-commerce lies in diversification, customer experience, and strategic partnerships.

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Talk-CommerceRuth Even Haim

Introducing the Reconvert Rate: A Game-changing eCommerce Metric with Ruth Even Haim

Today we have a special guest, Ruth Even Haim, who is the co-founder of ReConvert, a post-purchase upselling app for Shopify. Throughout her journey as an entrepreneur, Ruth and her brother both had Shopify stores and realized that the default ‘Thank You’ page on Shopify was essentially an ‘exit door’ from the store.

This realization gave rise to the creation of ReConvert, an app designed to make this exit door obsolete by facilitating post-purchase upselling. How does that work? ReConvert essentially transforms the ‘Thank You’ page into another landing page that confounds customer appreciation and promotes other products for potential immediate post-purchase.

The goal is to retain the customer’s attention after purchase and spur additional sales. In addition to her entrepreneurial work, Ruth also has a passion for content and writing. This passion translates into the work she does at ReConvert, creating a more engaging and interesting post-purchase experience for customers. A true testament to how personal passions can positively influence one’s work!

Join us as we delve deeper into the subject of post-purchase upselling, its potential for increasing revenues, and how Reconvert is changing the game for Shopify merchants. We will also explore the challenges and opportunities that come with being an entrepreneur and have a few laughs along the way.

To all the entrepreneurs out there – don’t miss out on this informative episode as we explore the insights of post-purchase upselling with our guest, Ruth Even Haim. Whether you are a seasoned business owner or just starting out, there are lessons to be learned and insights to be gained. Stay tuned!

Download the app today here.

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