
AI Product feed shoe graphic

DataFeedWatch by Cart.com Revolutionizes Feed Management with Native AI Integration

DataFeedWatch by Cart.com revolutionizes feed management by becoming the first solution to integrate native AI, optimizing e-commerce advertising campaigns.

Talk Commerce Podcast Guest Sarah Engel

Ecommerce Mastery with Sarah Engel of January Digital: Live from Shoptoberfest

Hey everyone, Brent Peterson here from Talk Commerce. In this blog post, I’m sharing key takeaways from a fantastic conversation I had with Sarah Engel, President of January Digital, at Shoptoberfest. Sarah, a seasoned e-commerce expert and TED Talk speaker, offered invaluable insights into the current challenges and innovative solutions shaping the retail landscape. Let’s dive into the highlights!

The Lingering Impact of COVID-19

Sarah recounted the chaotic period of November 2020, when the pandemic upended supply chains. She emphasized the initial feeling of isolation many executives experienced, believing they were alone in facing these unprecedented challenges. This resonated deeply with me; it highlights how crucial open communication and industry collaboration are in navigating crises. Sarah’s point about everyone facing similar challenges, regardless of size or industry, is a powerful reminder that we’re all in this together.

The Spoiled Consumer: Rethinking Promotions

One of the most compelling discussions revolved around the “spoiled consumer.” Sarah and I explored how years of aggressive promotions have trained customers to expect discounts, significantly impacting brand margins.  My own experience confirms this—many brands struggle to break free from this cycle. Sarah’s advice? A strategic, 18-month plan focusing on customer understanding, rather than relying on the “lazy lever” of constant discounting. This involves deep analysis of what customers truly value – maybe it’s loyalty programs, early access, or exclusive experiences, not just price cuts.

Rising Costs and Creative Solutions

Sarah aptly pointed out the impact of rising business costs – inflation, wages, etc. – impacting everyone. She saw a silver lining, though: increased creativity. Brands are innovating with new products, categories, and collaborations (think Taco Bell Crocs!), demonstrating resilience and adaptability in a challenging environment. I concur; this pressure-cooker environment is fostering ingenuity we haven’t seen before.

Navigating Shifting Customer Demands and Competitive Landscape

The conversation touched upon how consumer expectations – particularly regarding shipping – have changed dramatically. The Amazon effect has set the bar high, creating pressure on brands of all sizes to offer fast and free shipping. Sarah mentioned Gen Z’s willingness to shop based on value alignment rather than price alone – a significant shift in consumer behavior.  This aligns with my observations: brands that connect authentically with their audience on a values level are better positioned for long-term success.

The Power of Retail Media and Authentic Advertising

We also discussed the booming retail media landscape, particularly Amazon’s dominance. Sarah highlighted how Gen Z values authenticity, responding positively to organic content and influencer marketing. This reflects my own experience in working with various brands; genuine connections resonate more deeply with today’s consumers than intrusive ads.

January Digital: A Strategic Approach to E-Commerce Mastery

Finally, Sarah shared insights into January Digital, her agency. They offer full-funnel marketing and consulting services, focusing on deep business understanding and strategic partnerships with their clients. I found this approach particularly refreshing, prioritizing collaboration and holistic solutions over quick fixes.

Sarah Engel’s insights were both insightful and practical, offering a refreshing perspective on navigating the complexities of the modern e-commerce world. From dealing with the lasting effects of the pandemic to the changing dynamics of consumer behavior and the importance of authentic connections, this conversation touched on some of the most critical issues facing businesses today. I highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode for an even deeper dive into these crucial topics!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.

Click here for more podcasts about Ecommerce Challenges

Talk Commerce Peter Karpas

Personalized Checkout with Peter Karpas of Bold Commerce

Explore the insights from a captivating episode of the Talk Commerce podcast, featuring Peter Karpas, the CEO of Bold Commerce. The conversation centers around the often-overlooked yet critical aspect of e-commerce: the checkout experience. Karpas, with his extensive background in payments and e-commerce, sheds light on the limitations of traditional checkout processes and unveils the potential of personalized checkout flows to revolutionize online businesses.

Key Takeaways

  • Checkout is more than just conversion: While conversion rates are important, merchants often overlook the crucial role checkout plays in driving average order value (AOV) and lifetime value (LTV).
  • Personalization is paramount: Just as every other aspect of an e-commerce site is personalized, the checkout experience should be tailored to individual customer needs and behaviors.
  • Rigid and brittle checkout flows are hindering growth: Many platforms offer limited customization options for checkout, leading to a fear of experimentation and missed opportunities for optimization.
  • Composable commerce offers a solution: Bold Commerce offers a composable checkout solution that allows merchants to break free from rigid platform limitations and create truly personalized experiences.
  • A/B testing in checkout is crucial: Merchants need to embrace A/B testing in their checkout process to uncover hidden opportunities for increasing AOV and LTV.
  • The checkout experience impacts the entire customer journey: A seamless and personalized checkout experience can foster customer loyalty and drive repeat business.

About the Guest: Peter Karpas

Peter Karpas is the CEO of Bold Commerce, a company that provides innovative checkout solutions for e-commerce businesses. His wealth of experience in the payments industry, having previously held leadership roles at PayPal and First Data, provides him with a unique perspective on the evolution of online transactions. Karpas is a passionate advocate for leveraging technology to create frictionless and personalized customer experiences. He is a frequent speaker at industry events, sharing his insights on the future of e-commerce and the transformative power of composable commerce.

Detailed Episode Summary

The podcast episode kicks off with a lighthearted exchange about sports, showcasing Karpas’s approachable demeanor and genuine enthusiasm. The conversation quickly transitions to the heart of the matter: the challenges and opportunities within the e-commerce checkout landscape.

Karpas highlights the limitations of traditional checkout processes, emphasizing their rigidity and lack of personalization. He argues that merchants are often afraid to make changes to their checkout flows due to concerns about potential disruptions and negative impacts on conversion rates. However, he contends that this fear of experimentation is preventing businesses from unlocking the full potential of their checkout experience.

To illustrate his point, Karpas shares a compelling anecdote about a brand that experienced an unexpected increase in revenue after temporarily disabling Apple Pay due to a technical issue. This counterintuitive outcome stemmed from a subsequent rise in average order value, demonstrating the interconnectedness of conversion, AOV, and LTV.

The discussion then delves into the concept of personalized checkout flows, with Karpas explaining how tailoring the checkout experience to individual customers based on factors such as cart value, purchase history, and location can significantly impact key metrics. He advocates for a more dynamic approach, where merchants can create multiple checkout flows optimized for different customer segments.

Karpas introduces Bold Commerce as a solution to these challenges, positioning the company as a leading provider of composable checkout solutions. He explains how Bold’s platform empowers merchants to break free from the constraints of rigid platform checkouts and embrace a more modular and customizable approach. This allows businesses to integrate seamlessly with various third-party services and create truly personalized checkout experiences.

The conversation touches upon the importance of A/B testing in checkout, with Karpas stressing the need for data-driven decision-making to optimize the customer journey. He emphasizes the benefits of experimenting with different elements within the checkout flow, such as the placement of upsell offers, shipping options, and payment methods, to identify the most effective strategies for maximizing AOV and LTV.

Finally, Karpas shares his predictions for the future of e-commerce, highlighting the growing momentum of composable commerce and the transformative potential of AI-powered tools. He concludes by encouraging merchants to embrace innovation and challenge the status quo to create exceptional checkout experiences that drive business growth.

Personal Commentary and Analysis

This podcast episode provides a valuable perspective on the evolving landscape of e-commerce checkout. Karpas’s insights challenge conventional wisdom and encourage merchants to rethink their approach to this critical aspect of the customer journey. The emphasis on personalization and A/B testing resonates strongly with the broader trend towards data-driven decision-making in e-commerce.

The concept of composable commerce, as embodied by Bold Commerce’s solutions, offers a compelling alternative to the limitations of traditional platform checkouts. This modular approach empowers businesses to create highly customized experiences that align with their specific needs and objectives.

As the e-commerce landscape continues to evolve, the ability to personalize the checkout experience will become increasingly crucial for businesses seeking to differentiate themselves and foster customer loyalty. This episode serves as a timely reminder that the checkout process is not merely a transactional endpoint but rather an integral part of the overall customer journey that deserves careful consideration and optimization.

Memorable Quotes

  • “The checkout power trio is conversion, average order value, and lifetime value. And those are three interconnected dials. And when you turn one, it impacts the other two.” This quote underscores the holistic nature of the checkout experience and the need to consider all three metrics in optimization efforts.
  • “Everybody has been in some ways brainwashed into thinking that checkout is all about conversion. When it’s not.” This provocative statement challenges the prevailing focus on conversion rates and encourages a broader perspective on the role of checkout.
  • “Don’t have learned helplessness. You need to know that it is possible. It is doable. It is doable in weeks and months, not quarters and years.” This empowering message reminds merchants that they can take control of their checkout experience and implement meaningful changes without significant disruption.

Engaging the Audience

If you’re interested in learning more about the power of personalized checkout and how Bold Commerce can help your business thrive, we encourage you to listen to the full podcast episode. You can find the Talk Commerce podcast on all major podcast platforms. Subscribe to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and insights in e-commerce!

Final Thoughts

This insightful podcast episode with Peter Karpas underscores the importance of a strategic and personalized approach to the checkout experience. By embracing innovation and challenging conventional wisdom, merchants can unlock significant opportunities to enhance customer satisfaction, drive sales, and ultimately boldly reshape the future of e-commerce.

e-commerce, checkout, personalization, Bold Commerce, Peter Karpas, composable commerce, A/B testing, average order value, lifetime value, customer experience

Vijay Golani

Why Attend Magento Magento with Vijay Golani

In a rapidly evolving ecommerce landscape, the need for powerful integrations between platforms is growing more crucial by the day. I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Vijay Golani, the co-founder and solution architect at Evrig Solutions, on how his team has developed a game-changing Magento and HubSpot integration. From the intricate details of the integration to some light-hearted moments, this episode is packed with insights that every ecommerce professional should take note of.

A Game-Changing Magento & HubSpot Integration

Connecting the Dots Between Platforms

One of the most exciting takeaways from my conversation with Vijay is how this integration simplifies processes for ecommerce businesses, especially those operating on Magento and leveraging HubSpot for customer relationship management. As Vijay explained, the Evrig team has developed a module that syncs essential data—like customer information, products, and orders—between Magento and HubSpot in real-time.

This isn’t just a one-way synchronization. As Vijay detailed, the integration is designed to work both ways, meaning that updates in Magento are reflected in HubSpot, and vice versa. This feature is especially beneficial for sales teams who rely on HubSpot’s pipeline management tools and want to avoid constantly switching between platforms.

Takeaways for Sales and Revenue Teams

For those of you already familiar with HubSpot’s powerful sales tools, this integration allows you to utilize Magento’s data directly within your sales pipelines and reporting metrics without a hitch. It’s an empowering way for sales reps and revenue officers to keep their finger on the pulse of product performance, enabling them to make data-driven decisions without manual data import efforts.

Vijay shared an example of an enterprise-level client who handles numerous phone orders. Sales reps accustomed to HubSpot could quickly create and manage customer accounts in HubSpot, with that information seamlessly syncing to Magento. This integration effectively bridges the gap, transforming potential inquiries into finalized orders more efficiently.

How Products Sync Sheds Light on Your Offerings

Key Attributes Syncing for Better Sales Insights

Vijay emphasized that the product syncing feature is another crucial aspect of this integration. Sales reps won’t have to dive deep into Magento to find the information they need. Instead, they can view key attributes—like SKUs, prices, and names—right in HubSpot. This makes it much easier to create accurate quotes and sales pipelines directly within HubSpot.

Maximize Your Reporting Capabilities

If you’re a data enthusiast like me, you’ll love the idea of using HubSpot’s robust reporting tools on Magento data. As a HubSpot partner, I’m particularly thrilled about the ease with which users can now use this integration to gather insights. Whether you’re analyzing which products are flying off the virtual shelves or identifying top-performing salespeople, this integration is a goldmine for ecommerce businesses looking to fine-tune their operations.

Meet Magento New York: Why You Can’t Miss It

Networking, Learning, and Community Building

If all the talk about Magento integration hasn’t convinced you yet, let me emphasize the importance of attending events like Meet Magento New York. Vijay and I both shared our excitement about this annual event, which is the perfect venue to soak in the latest industry trends. Whether you’re an experienced Magento pro or just starting out, the event offers something for everyone—opportunities to network, learn, and contribute to the vibrant Magento community.

Vijay shared a personal story about how his first speaking opportunity at Meet Magento New York led to meaningful business connections. Such events are much more than just conferences; they’re platforms for growth and collaboration, where you can meet the very people who are shaping the future of ecommerce.

Work Hard, Play Hard

And yes, the community vibe extends beyond the conference halls. Vijay and I spoke about the pre-parties, after-parties, and even activities like the Mage:Run, where attendees of all kinds—night owls and early risers alike—can connect in a more relaxed environment. Let’s just say, if you’re in New York City on October 10th, prioritize attending Meet Magento. Your future self will thank you!

If you’re in the ecommerce space, the Magento and HubSpot integration developed by Vijay’s team at Evrig Solutions is something you can’t afford to ignore. It streamlines operations, enhances sales and marketing efforts, and provides valuable data insights that can drive strategic decisions. As we approach Meet Magento New York, there’s never been a better time to explore this integration and to engage with the community that understands the ins and outs of the Magento ecosystem.

Ready to take your ecommerce game to the next level? Vijay and the Evrig Solutions team, along with Content Basis, are here to help you make the most out of your Magento and HubSpot platforms. Don’t miss out on these exciting developments—sign up for Meet Magento New York today and see for yourself!

Till next time, keep thriving in the world of commerce!

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Talk Commerce Kristin Schoenstein

Navigating the Future of Retail: Inside eTail Boston with Kristin Schoenstein

In this illuminating episode of Talk Commerce, we sit down with Kristin Schoenstein, Portfolio Director for eTail US shows. Kristin provides an insider’s look into the upcoming eTail Boston event, offering valuable insights into the world of e-commerce and digital marketing.

The Essence of eTail Boston

eTail Boston stands out as a premier event in the retail industry calendar. Kristin reveals that it’s more than just a conference; it’s a year-round endeavor involving extensive research, trend analysis, and collaboration with industry leaders. The event offers a unique blend of educational content, networking opportunities, and innovative showcases, making it a must-attend for retailers, brands, and solution providers alike.

Exploring the eTail Experience

One of the key aspects Kristin highlights is the event’s structure. eTail Boston kicks off with a Summit Day, featuring three concurrent summits that allow retailers to dive deep into specific topics like search and performance marketing, customer retention, and the future customer journey. The subsequent days offer a mix of general sessions, breakout tracks, and retailer-only activities, ensuring a comprehensive and tailored experience for all attendees.

The Impact of eTail on the Retail Landscape

Kristin emphasizes how eTail Boston serves as a catalyst for industry growth and innovation. The event not only showcases the latest trends and technologies but also facilitates crucial conversations about sustainable growth, AI applications, and evolving consumer behaviors. By bringing together diverse perspectives from established retailers, emerging brands, and cutting-edge solution providers, eTail Boston plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of retail.

Listener Questions and Insights

Q: How can attendees make the most of their eTail experience?

A: Kristin advises attendees to plan ahead using the event app, prioritize must-attend sessions, and consider bringing a team to divide and conquer. She also highlights the importance of balancing scheduled meetings with spontaneous networking opportunities and expo floor exploration.

Q: What sets eTail apart from other retail conferences?

A: According to Kristin, it’s the sense of community that truly distinguishes eTail. The event has cultivated a strong, established network of professionals who return year after year, creating an unparalleled atmosphere of collaboration and shared learning.

Retail Revelations: Where Innovation Meets Community

eTail Boston emerges as more than just a conference; it’s a dynamic ecosystem where retail innovation thrives and lasting connections are forged. As Kristin aptly puts it, there’s “something special” about eTail that resonates with attendees, speakers, and sponsors alike, making it an indispensable event for anyone looking to stay at the forefront of retail evolution.

Key Takeaways from eTail Boston

Kristin shared several key aspects that make eTail Boston a standout event:

  1. Diverse Content: From AI and sustainable growth to Gen Z marketing and holiday prep, the event covers a wide range of crucial topics.
  2. Networking Opportunities: Beyond formal sessions, eTail Boston offers numerous chances to connect, including themed networking breaks, cocktail receptions, and private lunches.
  3. Retailer-Focused: With retailer-only tracks and activities, the event ensures that retail professionals get targeted, relevant insights.
  4. Interactive Format: The inclusion of roundtable discussions and summit days promotes active participation and peer-to-peer learning.
  5. Innovation Showcase: The expo floor and new retailer pop-up shops provide a firsthand look at cutting-edge retail technologies and strategies.

Planning Your eTail Boston Experience

To make the most of the event, Kristin recommends:

  • Use the App: The eTail Boston app is your go-to resource for scheduling and updates.
  • Divide and Conquer: If attending with a team, split up to cover more ground.
  • Balance Your Schedule: Mix content sessions with networking and expo exploration.
  • Engage in Evening Events: Don’t miss out on the after-hours networking and sponsored events.
  • Stay Wellness-Minded: Consider joining morning activities like group runs to balance the intense schedule.

Looking Ahead: eTail Palm Springs

While the focus is on eTail Boston, Kristin also gave a sneak peek into eTail Palm Springs, scheduled for February 24-27, 2024. This West Coast counterpart offers another opportunity to engage with the eTail community and gain valuable insights.

The eTail Advantage

eTail Boston isn’t just an event; it’s an experience that shapes the future of retail. With its unique blend of educational content, networking opportunities, and community spirit, it stands out as an essential gathering for anyone serious about thriving in the ever-evolving world of retail and e-commerce.

Whether you’re a seasoned retail executive or a rising star in the industry, eTail Boston offers the insights, connections, and inspiration needed to drive your business forward. As Kristin emphasizes, it’s more than just a conference – it’s a catalyst for growth, innovation, and lasting professional relationships.
Don’t miss out on this transformative event.

Mark your calendars for eTail Boston and prepare to be part of the retail revolution!

Read more about it here

Personalization Strategies for Boosting E-commerce Sales

Did you know eCommerce personalization can significantly boost your online store’s sales? You can engage customers and drive revenue by tailoring your site’s user experience (UX). Personalized messages and offers make visitors more likely to click, browse, and buy. According to McKinsey & Company’s Report, 76% of consumers are likelier …

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Transforming Excess into Impact: A Conversation with Diz Petit of LiquiDonate

As the host of Talk Commerce, I’ve had the pleasure of speaking with many innovators in the e-commerce space. Recently, I sat down with Disney Petit, the co-founder and CEO of LiquiDonate, for a fascinating discussion about sustainable social impact and the innovative ways her company is addressing excess inventory challenges.

From Postmates to Purpose-Driven Innovation

Disney’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. Before founding LiquiDonate, she was an early employee at Postmates, where she wore many hats – from customer service to sales to product management. What stood out to me was her commitment to creating products that truly served the needs of users, whether they were restaurant staff or customers.

One of Disney’s most impactful projects at Postmates was the development of food security products. She shared, “We leveraged our existing infrastructure, which was third-party food delivery, to build food security products that made a difference for people in the communities in which we lived and worked.”

This experience laid the foundation for what would become LiquiDonate, expanding the concept of matching excess resources with those in need beyond just food.

LiquiDonate: A New Approach to Excess Inventory

What struck me most about LiquiDonate’s model is its elegant simplicity in solving a complex problem. Disney explained, “We’ve built this matching software that’s able to say, okay, you want to do this return, set a pickup window for the time that you’re available to pick it up. And then our software will automatically schedule a pickup from a third-party courier service who’s able to accommodate the size of this item and deliver it directly to a nonprofit from our database.”

This approach not only benefits retailers by reducing reverse logistics costs but also ensures that usable items find their way to those who need them most, rather than ending up in landfills.

The Impact of Thoughtful Donations

During our conversation, I was particularly moved by Disney’s insights into the types of donations that make the most significant impact. She highlighted three categories:

  1. Consumer packaged goods (CPG)
  2. Furniture
  3. Shoes

As someone who has been involved in charitable work, I could immediately see the value in these categories. Disney shared a touching example: “To just see that somebody who has maybe been experiencing a difficult time in life for, you know, years to see them get their first apartment and have it furnished with furniture from Room and Board that was all donated. It’s super high-quality furniture that is going to last a long time and really provides a lot of dignity and respect for these folks to step into this new life that they have.”

Challenges and Future Goals

One of the most interesting parts of our discussion was when I asked Disney about her frustrations. She highlighted the disconnect between executive teams and warehouse managers in larger companies. This disconnect often leads to a lack of recognition of the real issues surrounding returns and excess inventory.

Looking to the future, Disney shared an ambitious goal: “We want to like be responsible for a landfill closing.” This vision of diverting so much waste that a landfill becomes unnecessary is both bold and inspiring.

The Power of Unrestricted Grants

As we wrapped up our conversation, Disney made a passionate plea for unrestricted grants to nonprofits. This resonated with me, as I’ve seen firsthand through my work with Mile in My Shoes how crucial flexibility can be for organizations doing impactful work.

Disney emphasized, “If you are considering doing a philanthropic donation of cash to a nonprofit organization, please consider doing it unrestricted because it’s really important that the people who are working at these places doing this life-changing work have access to spend the money the way that they see fit.”

What next?

My conversation with Disney Petit was a reminder of the incredible potential for technology to solve real-world problems. LiquiDonate’s innovative approach to matching excess inventory with nonprofits in need is not just good for business – it’s good for our communities and our planet.

As we continue to grapple with issues of waste and resource allocation in the e-commerce world, leaders like Disney offer a hopeful vision for the future. Her work demonstrates that with creativity, compassion, and the right technology, we can transform excess into impact.

I encourage you to listen to the full podcast episode to hear more about Disney’s journey and the inspiring work of LiquiDonate. And remember, whether you’re a business leader or an individual looking to make a difference, consider how you can support organizations like LiquiDonate in their mission to create a more sustainable and equitable world.

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Talk Commerce - Udayan Bose

The Future of E-Commerce: Insights from Udayan Bose on AI-Powered Marketing

In this episode of Talk Commerce, I had the pleasure of speaking with Udayan Bose, founder and CEO of NetElixir. With over 20 years of experience in digital marketing, Udayan shared his insights on the rapidly evolving landscape of e-commerce and how artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the way businesses approach marketing.

Failing Faster and Learning in Digital Marketing

One of the key themes that emerged from our conversation was the importance of adopting a “fail faster” mindset in digital marketing. As Udayan put it:

Just the willingness to dive in and figure things out and suddenly sort of you really have to obviously hustle hard but things slowly come in place and when it comes in place the impact is quite magical.

He emphasized that in an industry as dynamic as e-commerce, being open to experimentation and learning from failures is crucial for staying ahead of the curve.

Navigating Competitive Pressures and Rising Costs

Udayan also shed light on the challenges faced by e-commerce businesses today, particularly the squeeze on contribution margins due to intense competition and rising advertising costs. He noted:

If you certain categories saw a CPC increase of almost about 32%. So the cost per click, the same Google ad, costs a lot more now. So just think of it. You are unable to increase your prices, and the variable cost keeps on increasing. And this is leading to a massive squeeze in the contribution margins.

As someone who has worked with numerous e-commerce clients, I’ve witnessed firsthand the impact of these pressures on businesses. It’s more important than ever for merchants to optimize their marketing strategies and find ways to differentiate themselves in a crowded market.

The Power of AI and Machine Learning in Marketing

One of the most fascinating parts of our discussion centered around the role of AI and machine learning in transforming digital marketing. Udayan explained the difference between horizontal AI, which focuses on productivity and doing more with less, and vertical AI, which is tailored to solving specific problems using a company’s own data.

Vertical AI, I think of it, is very specific to solving your problem. And the problem that, for example, our tool, Alexa Insight, solves […] is we just wanted to solve a simple problem that the entire e-commerce world or digital marketing was focused on new customer acquisition. We wanted to change it marginally and say that, can we use machine learning to help you do new high value customer acquisition?

This notion of leveraging AI to identify and acquire high-value customers resonated with me. As e-commerce becomes increasingly competitive, the ability to target and retain the right customers can make all the difference in a business’s success.

Advice for E-Commerce Merchants

As we wrapped up our conversation, I asked Udayan what advice he would give to e-commerce store owners looking to stay ahead in today’s market. His response emphasized the importance of experimentation and staying informed about industry trends:

I would actually sort of have two very specifically. The first one is just creating, carving those experiments of those tests. […] The second one effectively is as simple as that. I mean, you have to reserve 10% of your personal time as the business owner or the CMO to just explore what is going on because in many cases the biggest mistake I have seen a lot of lot of business owners really make they’re just so so much working inside out that they just never get the time to look at us to what season am I in, right?

I couldn’t agree more with this advice. In my experience working with e-commerce businesses, the most successful ones are those that prioritize continuous learning and adaptation.

Watch the full episode on YouTube

Final Thoughts

My conversation with Udayan Bose offered a wealth of insights into the future of e-commerce and the role of AI in shaping digital marketing strategies. As we navigate this rapidly evolving landscape, embracing experimentation, staying attuned to industry shifts, and leveraging the power of AI will be key to thriving in the years ahead.

To dive deeper into these topics and hear more of Udayan’s expertise, be sure to listen to the full Talk Commerce podcast episode. Let’s keep the conversation going – reach out and share your own experiences and insights on the future of e-commerce!

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3 Independence Way, Suite #203,
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Call: 609.356.5112

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