Articles & Podcast Episodes

What is a Restful API

What is a RestAPI?

A REST API is an API that follows the guidelines of the REST or “representational state transfer design.” For this reason, REST APIs are once in a while referred to as RESTful APIs.

Talk-Commerce-Alundas Havens

Resetting your Mindset with Alundas Havens

Alundas (Bam Bam) Havens started doubting himself as he worked through issues that stemmed from his time in the Marine Corps. He worked in positions that didn’t have his core values and decided to start a podcast called “The Winners Paradigm.”

He created his brand of fear to teach any aspiring entrepreneur or human being that you can accomplish your dreams if you take action and learn from those who have been there.

Talk-Commerce-Lynn Power

Live streaming your CPG with Lynn Power

Is the future of consumer packaged goods live streaming? Lynn Power talks about her brand Masami and how she has gone from start-up to success. Make sure your idea is scalable, and you can see your vision through. Lynn helps us see how CPG is changing and what new brands can and should do in our post-pandemic economy. Think through your brand, your content strategy, and your budget.

Reef Safe Sunscreen

Unify your Product Information Management with Akeneo Product Cloud!

Product information management is essential for businesses to keep up with the modern consumer.

TalkCommerce brand x brand collaboration

How to Start Your First Brand x Brand Collaboration

Brands are working harder than ever to stay relevant in an oversaturated market, and one way they’re standing out from the crowd is by collaborating with other brands.

Talk-Commerce-Rohaan Khan

The Risk of Ad Platform Restrictions: What You Need To Know with Rohaan Khan

Every day legitimate businesses get restricted on various ad platforms, sometimes for no specific reason. You find yourself waiting weeks and weeks for support to respond. Everyone knows that the support times are notoriously slow, especially in summer when reps are on vacation. You are at the mercy of that platform for those few weeks, and all your ads are stopped. All your traffic has stopped. Rohaan Khan explains how going with an agency can defer that risk, keep your ads live, and produce revenue.

TalkCommerce e for experience

The quality rater guidelines have been updated to include an extra E for Experience.

The search ranking systems Google uses to assess the E-A-T on your search results are familiar to many creators.

Is the information you get from Google adequate, relevant, and trustworthy, or is it superficial, irrelevant, and untrustworthy?

These are just a few questions that Google has helped to answer and why they are adding to their E-A-T system.

Product Information Management and SEO

Discover the Secrets to Unlocking SEO Success with Product Information Management!

PIM is a powerful tool for optimizing your website for search engines and improving your SEO visibility.

TalkCommerce Google Quality Rater Guidelines

What are the Google Quality Rater Guidelines

The Google Search Quality Raters Guidelines are critical in determining whether an improvement is successful.

Talk-Commerce Constanze Kratel

Developing Developer Relations at BigCommerce with Constanze Kratel

We speak with Constanze Kratel, the senior developer relations manager with BigCommerce. Constanze came from Microsoft and had been helping build a more extensive community of developers at BigCommerce. It’s not just developer, developer, a developer like Steve Ballmer used to say. There are lots of fun things in store with BigCommerce, and this episode gives you a taste of what is to come if you’re a developer, project manager, or even a merchant. Lots of good things are happening at Big Commerce.