google search

Google May Not Like Your Content Generated by Artificial Intelligence

Google May Not Like Your Content Generated by Artificial Intelligence

Google may not necessarily like AI-generated content, which can significantly impact your business’s website’s success. Understanding the reasons why Google may not like your content can help you create content that is more likely to be accepted by the search engine giant.

TalkCommerce e for experience

The quality rater guidelines have been updated to include an extra E for Experience.

The search ranking systems Google uses to assess the E-A-T on your search results are familiar to many creators.

Is the information you get from Google adequate, relevant, and trustworthy, or is it superficial, irrelevant, and untrustworthy?

These are just a few questions that Google has helped to answer and why they are adding to their E-A-T system.

TalkCommerce Google Quality Rater Guidelines

What are the Google Quality Rater Guidelines

The Google Search Quality Raters Guidelines are critical in determining whether an improvement is successful.