Insect Protein


What is the Difference? Cricket Flour vs. Acheta Flour

Cricket flour and acheta flour have emerged as intriguing options for sustainable and nutritious alternative protein sources. While often used interchangeably, this article explores the differences between these insect-based flours.

Cricket Meal: A Nutritious and Sustainable New Superfood

Cricket Meal: A Nutritious and Sustainable New Superfood

Cricket meal refers to powdered, dried crickets that are milled into a nutrient-dense flour. This versatile superfood ingredient can then be seamlessly incorporated into recipes.

Bugging Out Over Protein Is Protein Powder

Bugging Out Over Protein: Is Protein Powder Really Made from Bugs?

Discover the surprising truth behind protein powder. Are we really consuming bugs for protein? Unveil the mystery of cricket protein powder, its production, and benefits. Explore and make an informed choice.