cricket protein

Cricket Meal: A Nutritious and Sustainable New Superfood

Cricket Meal: A Nutritious and Sustainable New Superfood

Cricket meal refers to powdered, dried crickets that are milled into a nutrient-dense flour. This versatile superfood ingredient can then be seamlessly incorporated into recipes.

The Guide to Brands Using Cricket Flour in Australia

A Guide to Brands Using Cricket Flour in Australia

In recent years, cricket flour has gained popularity as a sustainable and nutritious alternative to traditional protein sources. While it may seem like an unconventional ingredient, many brands in Australia are incorporating cricket flour into their products. In this guide, we’ll explore the top brands using cricket flour in Australia and the benefits of this unique protein source.

What Types of Products Use Cricket Flour

What Types of Products Use Cricket Flour

some of the different types of cricket flour products and explore the benefits of incorporating this innovative ingredient into your diet. So, whether you’re a curious foodie or a fitness enthusiast looking to boost your protein intake, read on to discover the world of cricket flour.

What Brands Use Cricket Flour

Exploring the Novelty: Why These 13 Top-tier Brands Adopted Cricket Powder (Flour) as a Unique Ingredient.

Brands increasingly turn to cricket protein to provide sustainable and nutritious product ingredients. Cricket protein is a complete source of protein, containing all nine essential amino acids, as well as calcium, iron, B vitamins, and other micronutrients.

Cricket Protein

Cricket Protein Bars: The Next Big Thing in Protein Bars?

In the world of protein bars, and manufacturers are coming up with new ideas to cater to the growing market for premium, healthy snacks. Beef protein bars, cricket-based protein bars, insect protein, and cricket flour protein bars – are all emerging trends that signal how dynamic this segment is becoming.