
Sanne Bolkenstein

The Future of Magento with Sanne Bolkenstein

In this episode of Talk Commerce, I had the pleasure of chatting with Sanne Bolkenstein, Commercial Director at Hyva. We dove deep into the world of Magento, exploring the challenges it faces, the innovative solutions Hyva offers, and the exciting potential of MageOS for the platform’s future. Sanne’s insights were incredibly valuable, and this blog post summarizes the key takeaways from our conversation, including my personal reflections on the Magento landscape.

Magento’s Performance Woes and Hyva’s Solution

One of the major issues Sanne and I discussed is the performance of many Magento sites. I believe that a significant percentage of Magento stores are quite slow, and this is a big problem for merchants. Sanne highlighted how the default Luma front-end, which is over a decade old, can lead to frustrating development times and impact performance. This frustration, shared by many Magento developers, was what led Willem Wigman to create Hyva.

Hyva, with its Hoover front-end, aims to address these challenges head-on. As Sanne explained, Hoover offers a lightweight and efficient solution compared to Luma, with fewer dependencies and significantly improved performance. This leads to faster loading times, a better user experience, and reduced development costs for merchants. I’ve heard similar feedback from others in the community, which solidifies my belief that Hyva can be a game-changer for many Magento sites.

Hyva vs. PWA Studio & Luma: A Clear Choice?

Naturally, we discussed Hyva in relation to other solutions like PWA Studio and sticking with Luma. Sanne’s perspective was clear: PWA Studio is in maintenance mode, and choosing it wouldn’t be the best decision for most merchants. As for Luma, she couldn’t fathom why anyone would opt for it considering the performance and development drawbacks. I personally agree with Sanne that, for Magento users, especially those seeking improved performance, Hyva is a much more attractive and cost-effective solution.

The Magento Community: A European Perspective

During our conversation, Sanne and I discussed the differences in the Magento community between Europe and the US. I’ve noticed a sense that the US community is perhaps not as vibrant or as actively involved as the European community. Sanne highlighted the collaborative and trusting environment in the European Magento community, with agencies even working together despite being competitors.

This collaborative approach is inspiring, and it made me think about how we can foster a stronger sense of community in the US. Sanne’s advice to start small with Magento meetups and events is something I’d like to see more of. Maybe we need to embrace a more organic approach, starting with smaller, more focused events, rather than aiming for massive gatherings.

The Rise of MageOS: A Hope for Magento’s Future

Sanne and I also discussed the growing significance of MageOS, a community-driven initiative that aims to ensure the long-term viability of Magento. I was initially skeptical of the MageOS fork but have since changed my perspective. The lack of innovation in the core Magento product from Adobe is a concern for many in the community, and MageOS is a powerful response to this issue.

Sanne emphasized that MageOS empowers the community to drive innovation, which is crucial to Magento’s future. She believes that features currently available in Adobe Commerce, but potentially not prioritized in the future, can be incorporated into MageOS, offering Magento users a greater range of options. I agree that MageOS is an exciting development, and I’m eager to see how it shapes the future of the platform.

Conclusion: Embracing the Community & Innovation

The conversation with Sanne was insightful and inspiring. It reinforced the importance of community, innovation, and recognizing the need for more diversity in the Magento world. It’s clear that Magento is a dynamic platform with both challenges and opportunities.

Hyva offers a fantastic front-end solution for those seeking improved performance and developer efficiency. And MageOS presents a beacon of hope for the future of Magento, ensuring its continued relevance and innovation through a community-driven approach.

I highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode to gain a deeper understanding of Hyva, MageOS, and the current state of the Magento landscape. Thanks for joining me on this journey!

See these episodes for more insight into Hyva

Sanne Bolkenstein

Magento Community: Meet Magento Netherlands and Beyond with Sanne Bolkenstein

Hey Commerce fans! It was an absolute pleasure to chat with Sanne Bolkenstein, the producer of Meet Magento Netherlands, on a recent episode of Talk Commerce. Sanne’s passion for the Magento community is infectious, and we had a lively discussion about the upcoming Meet Magento Netherlands event, the importance of organizations like MageOS and the Magento Association, and why the Magento community is such a special place to be. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the key takeaways from our conversation, offering insights into the thriving world of Magento.

Meet Magento Netherlands: A Hub for the Magento Community

The Power of Connection

As Sanne eloquently put it, the heart of Meet Magento Netherlands lies in the power of connection. The event provides an invaluable opportunity to reconnect with familiar faces and forge new relationships within the Magento ecosystem. This resonates deeply with me, as I’ve always found the Magento community to be incredibly welcoming and supportive. The chance to engage in face-to-face conversations, share ideas, and learn from one another is truly what makes these events so special.

Gaining Insights and Staying Ahead

Meet Magento Netherlands is more than just a networking event; it’s a hub for knowledge sharing and innovation. Attendees can expect a packed agenda filled with insightful presentations, covering the latest trends, technical advancements, and best practices within the Magento landscape. Sanne emphasized the importance of staying up-to-date in this ever-evolving industry, and Meet Magento Netherlands provides the perfect platform to do just that. From my perspective, it’s inspiring to see the passion and creativity that drives the Magento community forward.

Mixing Business with Pleasure

One of the things that sets the Magento community apart is its ability to seamlessly blend business with pleasure. Sanne highlighted the fun and vibrant atmosphere that permeates Meet Magento Netherlands, extending beyond the formal presentations and into the after-hours festivities. This resonates with my own experiences at these events. The Magento community knows how to work hard and play hard, creating an environment that fosters both professional growth and genuine camaraderie.

Why Merchants Should Attend Meet Magento Netherlands

Sanne offered compelling reasons why merchants should consider attending Meet Magento Netherlands. The event provides a unique opportunity to gain insights into the latest ecommerce trends and innovations, connect with potential partners and solution providers, and learn from the experiences of fellow merchants. As someone who has witnessed the transformative power of these events firsthand, I can confidently say that Meet Magento Netherlands is an invaluable resource for merchants looking to elevate their businesses.

The Importance of MageOS and the Magento Association

Our conversation also touched upon the crucial roles played by MageOS and the Magento Association in supporting the Magento community. Sanne explained how MageOS helps ensure the future of open-source Magento, while the Magento Association provides a unified voice for the community, advocating for its needs and fostering collaboration with Adobe. I wholeheartedly agree with Sanne’s assessment. These organizations are vital pillars of the Magento ecosystem, providing essential support and guidance to the community as a whole.

A Call for Diversity

Sanne concluded our conversation with a powerful call for increased diversity within the Magento community, particularly encouraging more women to join the ranks. I echo her sentiment wholeheartedly. A diverse and inclusive community is a stronger community, and we must continue to strive for greater representation within the Magento ecosystem.

Keep Talking

My conversation with Sanne Bolkenstein provided valuable insights into the vibrant Magento community and the upcoming Meet Magento Netherlands event. From the power of connection to the importance of organizations like MageOS and the Magento Association, our discussion highlighted the key elements that make the Magento community such a special place to be. I encourage you to listen to the full podcast episode for even more insights and to learn more about Meet Magento Netherlands.

And as always, keep the commerce conversation going!

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