The Dream Job for a Developer, Hyva Projects with Danny Verkade

Danny Verkade

The Dream Job for a Developer, Hyva Projects with Danny Verkade

We discuss his experience with the new Hyva theme and how it fits into the Magento ecosystem. We go over some of the tools that merchants can use to constantly evaluate the performance of their website. We talk about how someone can easily get into Hyva and why they should!

Hyva themes fast time to market

How Hyva can Reduce Your Time to Market on Magento by 75%

We discuss their recent store launch of on the Hyva theme. We learned that the time to develop the new theme in Hyva was half that of a new theme in the Blank theme during their Magento1 to Magento2 migration.

Tyler Jensen | Hyva Theme

Tyler mentions that that theme will be so successful that Willem is going to get tired of answering all the questions. We close things out with some great merchant advice for anyone on Magento Open Source or Adobe Commerce.

Magento Hyva theme with Vinai Kopp

We discuss why Hyva makes sense for every developer, agency, and merchant. Vinai gives us reasons why Agencies need to embrace Hyva and get their teams on board. He also talks about the benefits for the merchant to use it. We go into the differences between PWA and a monolith and dive into microservices

Why the Hyva theme matters in Magento with Willem Wigman

We talk about the origin of the name, not to spoil anything, but it’s good. We discuss the impact on site speed for merchants and how Google is changing the game for your website and how it is ranked. If you are a merchant you need to share this episode.

Jisse Reitsma | Training on PWA, Vue and Hyva – Tech Edition

We focus on developer training on React, Vue, or the new Magento Hyva Theme. We look at training from the Merchant, agency, and developer perspectives. Jisse gives us actionable feedback for training on what to ask as a developer, what an Agency should look for, and what a merchant should expect.

Hyva theme with John Hughes

We interview John Hughes this week with Fisheye, A Magento-only agency in the UK (Not many of them left!) We cover Hyva and his recent blog post. We also talk about the Magento community and how it is rallying behind the new theme.

PWA Studio vs Hyva vs Vue Storefront with Jisse Reitsma

The shifting to Hyva Theme and what that means for agencies and Magento developers,  The era of multiple frontends, How to build a better Magento community,  Advice for hiring a Magento Developer, and much more.

Sanne Bolkenstein

The Future of Magento with Sanne Bolkenstein

One of the major issues Sanne and I discussed is the performance of many Magento sites. I believe that a significant percentage of Magento stores are quite slow, and this is a big problem for merchants. Sanne highlighted how the default Luma front-end, which is over a decade old, can lead to frustrating development times and impact performance. This frustration, shared by many Magento developers, was what led Willem Wigman to create Hyva.

Hyva, with its Hoover front-end, aims to address these challenges head-on. As Sanne explained, Hoover offers a lightweight and efficient solution compared to Luma, with fewer dependencies and significantly improved performance. This leads to faster loading times, a better user experience, and reduced development costs for merchants

Hyva Checkout

Taking eCommerce to the Next Level With Hyvä Checkout

Transform your eCommerce profession with the new Hyvä Checkout platform, powered by advanced technology and a focus on the user experience, to enhance conversion rates and revenues significantly.