
5-benefits of fully integrated ecommerce platforms

5 benefits of fully integrated ecommerce platforms

Integrating commerce platforms can be an incredibly beneficial practice for businesses. It eliminates the need to juggle multiple accounts and systems, allowing for a more efficient workflow. This integration allows for the centralization of data and processes, providing a more streamlined experience for customers and employees.

10 commerce joke for 2023

Ten Commerce Jokes for 2023

As the world of commerce continues to evolve, so too does the need for fresh, funny commerce jokes. In 2023, commerce jokes have evolved from the classic puns of the past to the more sophisticated wit of today.

What is a Restful API

What is a RestAPI?

A REST API is an API that follows the guidelines of the REST or “representational state transfer design.” For this reason, REST APIs are once in a while referred to as RESTful APIs.

Talk-Commerce-Lynn Power

Live streaming your CPG with Lynn Power

Is the future of consumer packaged goods live streaming? Lynn Power talks about her brand Masami and how she has gone from start-up to success. Make sure your idea is scalable, and you can see your vision through. Lynn helps us see how CPG is changing and what new brands can and should do in our post-pandemic economy. Think through your brand, your content strategy, and your budget.

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