Tom Robertshaw | BigCommerce and BigCommerce Apps

Tom Robertshaw | BigCommerce and BigCommerce Apps

We give a little history on Tom’s e-commerce survey that he started publishing while he was still at University. We get into the ever-growing community on BigCommerce and talk about BigCommerce and BigCommerce Apps

Adobe Community Diversity with Sharon Lambert

We talk about diversity in the Magento community and the steps we can take to bring more diversity to the community. Sharon suggests we do a panel on diversity for the show.

Aaron Sheehan | Adobe Commerce Business Practitioners

This week we interview Aaron Sheehan, with DEG Digital. We discuss Magento Solution specialists or now called Adobe Certified Expert – Adobe Commerce Business Practitioner. We discuss how important the role of a solution specialist is for any agency building an Adobe Commerce Solution

Laura Trejo | Ecommerce in Mexico

This week we interview Laura Trejo with Seis Diez Services in Mexico. We have a great conversation about commerce in Mexico and what platforms stores are using. Some of the choices are surprising! Laura tells us how the Magento to Adobe name change has been confusing.

Jisse Reitsma | Training on PWA, Vue and Hyva – Tech Edition

We focus on developer training on React, Vue, or the new Magento Hyva Theme. We look at training from the Merchant, agency, and developer perspectives. Jisse gives us actionable feedback for training on what to ask as a developer, what an Agency should look for, and what a merchant should expect.

Ben Marks and Shopware

This week we interview Ben Marks with Shopware. We discuss Shopware, Shopware and Shopeware. While talking about Shopware we also discuss community and how he started in the Magento Community. We explore open-source and how Shopware is positioned in the open-source community.

An introduction to Oro Commerce with Thomas Fleck

We talk about B2B stores and how a platform built for B2B can give maximum ROI to the merchant. Oro Commerce enables business growth through its open-source platforms focused on B2B and CRM. We discuss Meet Magento Germany and how it started

Mark Lewis about Shopify

We connect the dots in your commerce experience between the developer, agency, and merchant. We interview Mark Lewis from Netalico (Not Metalica). We discuss Shopify, SaaS Platforms in general, and lots of great conversations around how Magento and Shopify can work for certain clients.

PWA Studio | Disney Hackathon with Lars Röttig – Tech Edition

The Special Tech Edition of Talk Commerce includes PWA studio and Lars Rottig’s insights. We also talk about the upcoming Adobe Hackathon in Disney World!

Hyva theme with John Hughes

We interview John Hughes this week with Fisheye, A Magento-only agency in the UK (Not many of them left!) We cover Hyva and his recent blog post. We also talk about the Magento community and how it is rallying behind the new theme.