
Talk Commerce - Brian Gerstner

Strategic Partnerships: Navigating the Evolving Marketing Landscape with Brian Gerstner

Welcome back to Talk Commerce! Today, we had the pleasure of chatting with Brian Gerstner, President of White Label IQ, about the crucial role of strategic partnerships in the ever-changing marketing world. Brian’s insights into leveraging partnerships, navigating the rise of AI, and preparing for the upcoming holiday season were truly insightful.

The Power of Niche Expertise and White Label Partnerships

Brian emphasized the increasing need for specialization in the marketing industry, especially with the rise of AI tools like Jasper and ChatGPT. He believes AI will ultimately “beat the mediocrity out of all of us,” pushing agencies and businesses to focus on their core strengths and partner for specific needs.

“AI is going to not be your friend” if you’re “just getting things done and checking off boxes.”

This resonated with me deeply. As someone who has witnessed the evolution of the digital marketing landscape, I’ve seen firsthand how crucial it is to develop and excel in a niche. Partnering with experts like White Label IQ allows agencies to access specialized skills without the fixed costs of hiring full-time staff.

AI: A Tool, Not a Replacement

While AI presents incredible opportunities, Brian rightly points out that it does not replace human expertise. AI tools are powerful for content creation and iteration, but they lack the emotional intelligence and strategic thinking humans bring.

“AI is great at creating the pieces… but it’s not really great at bringing the pieces together.”

I couldn’t agree more. As marketers, we must guide and curate AI, ensuring it aligns with our brand voice, understands our audience, and ultimately serves our business objectives. The human touch is essential in crafting compelling narratives and building authentic customer connections.

Gearing Up for the Holiday Season and Beyond

With Black Friday and Cyber Monday just around the corner, Brian offered valuable advice for merchants and agencies.

“Plan ahead for next year… collect the information so that you can follow up with people so that you can grow your audience.”

His emphasis on leveraging first-party data for post-holiday nurturing resonated strongly. Building relationships with customers acquired during the holiday rush is key to long-term success.

Final Thoughts

Brian’s insights underscore the importance of adapting to the evolving marketing landscape. Embracing niche expertise, leveraging strategic partnerships, and understanding the potential and limitations of AI is crucial for staying ahead of the curve. As we head into the holiday season and beyond, remember the value of human connection and strategic collaboration in achieving sustainable growth.

Be sure to check out the full episode of Talk Commerce to hear more from Brian Gerstner and gain valuable insights for your business!

Talk Commerce - Raul Galera

E-Commerce Referral Marketing: Insights from a Partnership Manager with Raul Galera

As the co-host of the Talk Commerce podcast, I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Raul Galera, the Partnership Manager at ReferralCandy, to discuss the dynamic world of e-commerce. In a landscape that’s constantly evolving, Raul brought to the table a wealth of knowledge on current trends, challenges, and strategies that are shaping the industry. In this blog post, I’ll share the key insights and lessons from our conversation, offering a deep dive into the world of e-commerce from the perspective of a seasoned expert.

The Role of AI and the Impact of Rising Ad Costs

Raul began by shedding light on his role at ReferralCandy and how the company is navigating the e-commerce space. One of the most intriguing points he mentioned was the increasing use of AI for content generation. As brands strive to stay relevant and engaging, AI tools are becoming a game-changer in producing content at scale.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing. Raul pointed out the significant impact of rising ad costs on e-commerce brands. With the cost of customer acquisition climbing, brands are feeling the pinch, especially during high-stakes sales periods like Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

The Shift to Organic SEO and Understanding Consumer Behavior

The conversation then turned to the strategic shift towards organic SEO. As ad costs rise, e-commerce brands are looking to organic search engine optimization to drive traffic without breaking the bank. Raul emphasized the importance of understanding the nuances in consumer behavior, particularly the differences between products that fulfill needs versus those that are more likely to be impulse buys.

Offline Interactions and the Resurgence of Physical Mail

In a digital age, it’s easy to overlook the power of offline interactions. Raul highlighted an interesting trend: the use of physical mail for marketing purposes. This throwback approach can cut through the noise of digital marketing, offering a tangible touchpoint for customers.

Preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Looking ahead to major sales events, Raul anticipates a softer approach to discounts from e-commerce brands. Thanks to better stock management and preparation, brands may not need to rely as heavily on deep discounts to attract customers.

The Importance of a Clear Post-Purchase Plan

A key takeaway from our discussion was the importance of having a clear post-purchase plan. Raul stressed the significance of post-purchase customer journeys and the introduction of new and complementary products after the initial sale. This strategy is crucial for engaging customers and encouraging repeat purchases, which fosters brand loyalty.

The Power of Partnerships in E-Commerce

Raul then delved into the world of partnerships, explaining the two main types: co-selling and influencer marketing. He underscored the value of mutually beneficial relationships, whether between brands or with influencers. Co-marketing with complementary brands and strategic influencer marketing can drive sales and elevate brand awareness.

Leveraging Word-of-Mouth with ReferralCandy

Introducing ReferralCandy, Raul explained how the solution empowers brands to leverage word-of-mouth marketing through a referral program. The automated nature of the program incentivizes customers to refer friends, benefiting all parties involved.

Conclusion: Embracing the Future of E-Commerce

As we wrapped up the episode, Raul extended an invitation to brands to consider implementing a referral program to tap into the power of word-of-mouth marketing. He also offered his contact information for further discussions or inquiries.

The e-commerce industry is a complex and ever-changing beast, but with the insights from Raul Galera, brands can navigate it with greater confidence. From the impact of AI and ad costs to the strategic use of partnerships and referral programs, there are numerous opportunities for brands to thrive. As we continue to explore these topics on Talk Commerce, I invite you to join us on this journey and discover how to leverage these insights for your own e-commerce success.

  • Referral Candy: 00:01:22, 00:29:52
  • Shopify: 00:02:01, 00:22:36
  • AI (Artificial Intelligence): 00:07:00
  • Organic SEO: 00:10:33
  • Clienteling: 00:14:14
  • Amazon Days: 00:18:35
  • Klaviyo: 00:23:43
  • Influencer Candy: 00:28:50
Jason Sidana

A Deep Dive into Growth, Partnerships, and Staying Connected with Customers: A Conversation with Jason Sidana and Madeleine Anderson

Hello everyone, I’m excited to share with you a fascinating conversation I had with two exceptional guests, Jason Sidana, Chief Growth Officer at Maxburst, and Madeleine Anderson, Partner Manager at Endear.

Jason Sidana | maxburst
Jason Sidana

Meet the Guests

Jason Sidana is a man of many hats at Maxburst, a web design and development agency. He juggles sales, marketing, and project management while focusing on the company’s growth and helping clients achieve their growth goals. Jason’s passion for business is evident, and he enjoys delving into operational and management books.

On the other side, we have Madeleine Anderson, who is based in Fargo, North Dakota. As the Partner Manager at Endear, a CRM and clienteling tool for retail brands, she handles co-marketing activities, lead generation, and events with partners. Madeleine is also passionate about triathlons, which adds an interesting twist to her personality.

Jason’s Journey into the Industry

Jason’s journey into the industry is rooted in his family’s footwear and apparel stores. This exposure sparked his interest in retail, leading him to build a custom POS system and expand into wholesale and various sales channels. This entrepreneurial journey eventually led him to start his own agency, which later merged with Maxburst.

Maxburst’s Holistic Approach to Client Growth

At Maxburst, Jason and his team take a holistic approach when working with clients. They delve into the granular details of the business’s operations, including logistics and staff management. This comprehensive understanding of the client’s business allows them to identify areas for improvement.

The Power of Partnerships

Jason emphasizes the importance of partnerships when building a tech stack for clients. He believes that it’s impossible to do everything on your own and that finding good partners in the ecosystem is crucial. By collaborating with experts in specific areas, such as CRM or middleware integration, they can provide comprehensive solutions to their clients.

Leveraging Sales Staff as a Marketing Tool

Jason shares an interesting insight about using sales staff as a marketing tool. He realized that there was downtime during lunch hours and late evenings when the sales staff could engage with customers and potentially increase sales. This benefited the sales staff by earning them extra commission, creating a seamless customer experience, and improving overall satisfaction.

The Importance of Merging Retail and E-commerce

Madeleine adds to the discussion by highlighting the importance of merging retail and e-commerce. She explains that in the past, retail was seen as a stepping stone towards e-commerce, but post-COVID, retail has become crucial for quick and convenient product access. The omnichannel concept has gained significance, emphasizing the need for businesses to have a cohesive presence across multiple sales channels, including retail, online, and marketplaces.

Staying Connected to the Customer

Jason discusses the concept of companies losing their soul as they grow larger. He shares his personal experience of staying connected to the end consumer by working as a salesman in his family business. By doing so, he gained valuable insights into customer trends, preferences, and needs, which helped him make better decisions regarding purchasing and customer experience.

Wrapping Up

As we wrapped up our conversation, Jason offered his sneakers and website development services. Madeleine expressed her gratitude for being part of the podcast. This conversation was a treasure trove of insights and lessons, emphasizing the importance of partnerships, understanding the customer, and staying connected to the customer as a business grows.

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Talk-Commerce Chris Johnson

Putting the Human into Partner Relationships with Chris Johnson

Do you remember when the pandemic first hit and everybody said it’s all going to Zoom, and in-person meetings are dead? We don’t have to meet up anymore. And there’s no point in seeing anybody in person because zoom and virtual meetings have taken over. After all, zoom and personal sessions have taken over our lives and existence. It’s not true.

In-person is alive. ?

We interview Chris Johnson, SalesLayer. He is the partner success manager with SalesLayer and is all about relationships. We talk about Zoom life versus real life and how maybe you can’t just get somebody a beer while you’re on Zoom. Handshakes and hugs. They are part of the Spanish culture. You’ll learn a little bit about how Chris approaches relationships and his partner management, as well as a little bit about what SalesLayer can do for you as a company.

?This is a great episode and an excellent interview with Chris Johnson.

Why use SalesLayer? Check it out here.

You can hear our interview with the CEO of SalesLayer.

Talk-Commerce Alvaro Verdoy
Talk-Commerce Alvaro Verdoy
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