Building a Big Community with Tom Robertshaw

Talk-Commerce Tom Robertshaw

Building a Big Community with Tom Robertshaw

We talk about different channels and how inclusive or exclusive those channels are. We talk about the BigCom DevX event that Space48 recently organized and the upcoming BigCommerce.

Talk-Commerce Jeff J Hunter

The 90/10 rule with Jeff J Hunter

I can do it faster myself. It will take too long to teach someone to do it. I don’t trust that the person will do a good enough job. You must learn to elevate and delegate if you have said any of these statements.

Talk-Commerce Kate-Bradley

Looking for the patterns in your marketing with Kate Bradley

Kate reveals one really cool new feature on (You must listen to the end to hear the big reveal!)

Talk Commerce Vijay Golani

Magento Association – Meet Magento New York

We interview Vijay Golani about the upcoming event in New York as well as the Magento Association Events committee. @MagentoAssoc @vijaygolani

Talk-Commerce kalen jordan cricket protein

That was a joke

You will learn about surfing in Costa Rica, swimming in Minnesota, and electric skateboards. As a bonus, I have left in our conversation on Employee Happiness.

Talk-Commerce Kyle Stout

Learn to Love the Popup with Kyle Stout

If you can do one thing to speed up the growth of your email list, “learn to love the popup.” Kyle Stout answers some of the most crucial questions regarding your email marketing strategy

Talk Commerce Osa Gaius

The Evolving Landscape of SMS Payments with Osa Gaius

How do merchants transition from email to SMS? Osa Gaius walks us through some large issues around regulation and also issues around just understanding as a brand, and how to leverage SMS the right way.

Talk-Commerce JJ Reynolds

The Google Dashboard Genius with JJ Reynolds

Have you ever thought about the actions you should take on your marketing data? JJ Reynolds helps to eliminate the guesswork by using Google Marketing Cloud.

Talk Commerce Reynaldo Santana

Help a Billion People with Reynaldo Santana

Reynaldo Santana helps us understand the complicated maze of the Non-Profit Google Adword program and how he helps non-profits to better themselves through these online tools.

Talk-Commerce Lewis Rothkopf

The new world of digital with Lewis Rothkopf

Remember the days when you could turn on Google Ads and the customers would come flowing in the door? Those days are gone and Lewis Rothkopf walks us through techniques and ways to spend smart and measure often.