The Evolving Landscape of SMS Payments with Osa Gaius

Talk Commerce Osa Gaius

The Evolving Landscape of SMS Payments with Osa Gaius

How do merchants transition from email to SMS? Osa Gaius walks us through some large issues around regulation and also issues around just understanding as a brand, and how to leverage SMS the right way.

Talk-Commerce David Edgerton Jr

The Inclusive Value Chain with David Edgerton Jr

Do you have the best available people for each part of your supply chain and within your own organization? David Edgerton Jr helps to debunk the myth that there isn’t talent in this low unemployment economy and maybe we are just overlooking it or worse excluding it because of bias.

Talk-Commerce Jaime Ramirez

Protecting your Digital Identity with Jaime Ramirez

Merchants want a seamless user experience without sacrificing thorough identification and monitoring and they want the power of fraud prevention with the intelligence of AI and biometrics integration.

Talk Commerce Jisse Reitsma

Ukraine and the Magento Community with Jisse Reitsma

re top of mind. Jisse Reitsma and Brent talk over a little history of where Magento came from and the strong Ukrainian community that has helped to make it a world-class e-commerce platform

Talk Commerce Vinai Kopp

The Future of Magento with Vinai Kopp

What is the future of Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source? Vinai Kopp and Brent talk about the recent Adobe Developers Live Commerce conference and discuss the keynote.

TalkCommerce Kate Bradley

Artificial Intelligence tools from Putting the real into AI with Kate Bradley

Learn more about what machine learning and AI means and how to employee it from @LatelyAIKately with #humansplusAI

Tomas Gerulaitis – Bonus MOSCA Episode

This week we interview Tomas Gerulaitis who signed the original letter for the Mage Open Source Alliance. Transcript Welcome to this special Mosca episode of talk commerce today have Tomas Gerulaitis. Thomas, why don’t you introduce yourself? Tell us what you do. And maybe one of your passions in life. …

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Magento Hyva theme with Vinai Kopp

We discuss why Hyva makes sense for every developer, agency, and merchant. Vinai gives us reasons why Agencies need to embrace Hyva and get their teams on board. He also talks about the benefits for the merchant to use it. We go into the differences between PWA and a monolith and dive into microservices

Joseph Maxwell | Developer Training and Education

We discuss how important it is for a developer to get a certification on an Adobe product. We discuss how everyone on a team should have a certification or accreditation on one Adobe Product

Jisse Reitsma | Training on PWA, Vue and Hyva – Tech Edition

We focus on developer training on React, Vue, or the new Magento Hyva Theme. We look at training from the Merchant, agency, and developer perspectives. Jisse gives us actionable feedback for training on what to ask as a developer, what an Agency should look for, and what a merchant should expect.