employee retention

Anthropos empowers companies to build future-ready workforces through AI-driven skills development and employee growth.

Anthropos Secures $2.7M to Empower Companies in Building Future-Ready Workforces with AI

Anthropos, a startup with offices in the US and Switzerland, has raised $2.7M to revolutionize the way companies help employees evolve their skill sets in line with business needs while improving retention.

Unwrapping The Mystery of Why Exit Interviews Matter More Than You Think

The Power of Goodbyes: Unwrapping The Mystery of Why Exit Interviews Matter More Than You Think

This article dives into the uncharted significance of exit interviews. Despite being overlooked, these powerful tools are the foundation of continuous improvement and future success.

Exit Interviews Expose the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Your Company's Reputation

The Shocking Truth: Exit Interviews Expose the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Your Company’s Reputation!

Many companies underestimate the power of exit interviews, despite their crucial role in shaping an organization’s reputation. An exit interview is a vital conversation between a departing employee and their employer, offering a unique chance to obtain invaluable insights into the employee’s reasons for leaving and any concerns they faced during their time at the company.

This process also allows the departing employee to give an honest assessment of the company’s culture, management, and overall experience. A well-executed exit interview can significantly enhance a company’s reputation, while a poorly handled one can have the opposite effect. In this blog post, we delve into the impact of exit interviews on your company’s reputation and why every employer should give this process the attention it deserves.

TalkCommerce building a happy team

10 Things Employees Secretly Wish Their Bosses Would Do.

When it comes to communication, bosses can make or break relationships with their employees. Unfortunately, many bosses struggle when it comes to giving and receiving feedback.

Viewing employees as transactional instead of as an investment leads to high turn over

Viewing employees as transactional instead of as an investment leads to high turnover.

It is no secret that viewing employees as transactional instead of as an investment can have a negative effect on your business. The most obvious consequence of this attitude is a high turnover rate.