This week we interview Monika Milewska and Antoni Paszkow (who is no stranger to the subject of self-defense).
They are with the Magento development company Magently in Poland. We discuss their recent store launch of https://www.partcatalog.com/ on the Hyva theme. We learned that the time to develop the new theme in Hyva was half that of a new theme in the Blank theme during their Magento1 to Magento2 migration.
Antoni shares his developer experience, and Monika gives us some great performance numbers. They started with a score of 10 on Mobile and ended up with a score of 97!
What is Hyva?
Hyvä comes from the Finnish language and literally means “good”. But also “desirable” and “advisable”. Here’s how it’s pronounced.
We didn’t name our company Hyvä because we think we are that good, it has an intrinsic meaning that’s embedded into our work. We set out to build the best Magento products we possibly can. We want to build products that are really really good. “Said Willem Wigman Founder and creator of Hyvä Themes.”
Our products bring value to merchants, developers, agencies, and ultimately: end-users for your Magento-based website.
How Hyva reduces the time to market
By reducing the amount of Javascript on the site and simplifying the frontend development process, Hyva can reduce your time to market by 4-5 times. This allows developers to use the tools they need on the pages they need them rather than making every page use every tool every time.
This not only increases the performance of the developer, but it also increases the performance of the website dramatically!
Why Magento needs a new theme
The original Magento 2 theme was developed in the early 2010s and has not been updated from a framework/technical standpoint since the launch of Magento 2 in late 2015. In the last 5-6 years the technology and shifted and improved and Magento has not followed. In addition, Adobe Commerce is now focusing all its efforts on the Progressive Web App Studio. This means that the base theme is only getting security updates. The default, out-of-the-box Magento theme is sadly fallen by the wayside and will not be enhanced or upgraded.
Some highlights are as follows:
- Reduced Complexity. Hyvä Magento 2 themes are powerful and feature-rich but yet simple. Reduced complexity is the number one principle they incorporate.
- Enhanced Performance. E-commerce shoppers never forget slow websites. Therefore, fast-working web pages are another goal hidden behind all Hyvä products. To achieve it, these Magento 2 themes incorporate the principle of enhanced performance and increased efficiency.
- Improved Developer Experience. A developer-friendly work-environment is also among the benefits of Hyvä Magento 2 themes.
- Improved Development Velocity. Reduced complexity multiplied by good work conditions let your coders implement and customize Hyvä Magento 2 themes much faster than other similar solutions. As a result, you reduce average time-to-market metrics and costs.
- Reduced Dependencies. As we’ve just mentioned above, Hyvä Magento 2 themes contain only two dependencies. Thus, they are way more reliable than most alternative solutions.
- Reduced Learning Curve. All the principles mentioned above let you reduce the learning curve necessary to master Hyvä Magento 2 themes. It won’t take much time until you become a specialist in the Hyvä Magento 2 themes development
You can learn more about developing on the Hyva theme here at Rock Technolabs.