SaaS by SaasWest BigCommerce with Heather Barr

Talk-Commerce Heather Barr

SaaS by SaasWest BigCommerce with Heather Barr

BigCommerce is Open SaaS means building a great community around it. Heather and Brent talk about the growing BigCommerce community and how to get involved.

Talk-Commerce Jen McFarland

Entrepreneurial Empathy with Jen McFarland

Will your employee go a little further when times are tough? Jen McFarland talks about entrepreneurship, marketing, and living in Kazakhstan.

Talk-Commerce Dymitr Diejew

Making a Breeze out of Magento with Dimitry Diejew

SwissUpLabs created their new open-source template to improve customer engagement and make your site the search engine’s top priority.

Talk-Commerce ryan alford

Building Marketing Loyalty Through Community 

The brands winning today are building a community that drives repeat purchases. Loyalty is gained in drips and lost in buckets because there are so many layers of competition.

Talk-Commerce Michiel Schipperus

Real-time B2B Commerce with Michiel Schipperus

B2B commerce is complex, and getting real-time data from your ERP is important. Sana Commerce. We learn how Sana ties directly to your SAP or Microsoft Dynamics ERP

Talk-Commerce Lisa Hammett

Dare to say NO with Lisa Hammett

When you say yes to something, you are saying no to something else. What are you saying no to?

Talk-Commerce Kate-Bradley

Looking for the patterns in your marketing with Kate Bradley

Kate reveals one really cool new feature on (You must listen to the end to hear the big reveal!)

Talk-Commerce Evan Padgett

Subscription Commerce with Evan Padgett

Subscriptions are for everyone and merchants need to examine their catalogs and learn what they can be selling constantly month over month.

Talk Commerce Osa Gaius

The Evolving Landscape of SMS Payments with Osa Gaius

How do merchants transition from email to SMS? Osa Gaius walks us through some large issues around regulation and also issues around just understanding as a brand, and how to leverage SMS the right way.

Talk-Commerce David Edgerton Jr

The Inclusive Value Chain with David Edgerton Jr

Do you have the best available people for each part of your supply chain and within your own organization? David Edgerton Jr helps to debunk the myth that there isn’t talent in this low unemployment economy and maybe we are just overlooking it or worse excluding it because of bias.