Seven keys to seven figures for women entrepreneurs | Leslie Kuster

Leslie Kuster

Seven keys to seven figures for women entrepreneurs | Leslie Kuster

Leslie Kuster talks about her new book “Money and Freedom Seven Master Keys to a seven-figures for women entrepreneurs”.

Building a Customer Centric Culture

Store owners want to get from out of their e-commerce business. Real conversations happen when a customer-centric culture is a prime focus. Wheater you are a merchant or warehouse distributor, or a manufacturer looking for digital commerce. You should look at your tech partner, either agency or the solution integrator, and make sure they understand the business aspects and the workflow of your industry.

What the F*** is an UnConference?

David and Brent talk about Unconferences and how they differ from traditional conferences. We talk specifically about the in Orlando Florida on January 21st, 2022.

Alec Berkley

A Better B2B experience on BigCommerce with Alec Berkley

With core capabilities that allow users to easily manage front-end and back-end B2B processes, Bundle B2B can be utilized to fit the needs of any growing B2B Commerce business and improve the B2B self-service experience for both store owners and their customers.

Andrew Forman -

Offering Donations Instead of Discount Codes Increases Conversion Rates with Andrew Forman

Offering a discount isn’t always the best idea when enticing people to buy. Andrew walks us through how offering donations and giving to charity instead of discount codes increases your conversion rate. We discuss why discounts are problematic for the long-term profitability of a business and how brands are embracing the move towards social good.

Jen Roth

Growth Marketing with Jen Roth

We talk about the reasons why entrepreneurs need to hire a marketing agency some of the benefits and ROI they will get in return. This is a very informative episode for merchants and agencies. We also discuss how diversity helps us all be better business owners.

Jisse Reitsma

Mage Open Source Community Alliance with Jisse Reitsma

Jisse and I have an open conversation around Mage Open Source Community Alliance and some reactions to the letter. We talk about the reaction from the Magento Association and talk a little about what could make it better.

The Art of Ecommerce Debugging with Joseph Maxwell

This week we interview Joseph Maxwell and discuss his new book, “The Art of Ecommerce Debugging”. The video version of the podcast includes an exclusive unboxing of the book. Joseph goes over his motivation for writing this book and how it will help developers be better developers!

Hyva themes fast time to market

How Hyva can Reduce Your Time to Market on Magento by 75%

We discuss their recent store launch of on the Hyva theme. We learned that the time to develop the new theme in Hyva was half that of a new theme in the Blank theme during their Magento1 to Magento2 migration.

WordPress and AWS

This week we start a series of interviews on Amazon Web Services and how it has helped merchants and content providers save money and increase performance by using Amazon Web Services.