The Launch of Multi-Storefront on BigCommerce with Brent Bellm

TalkCommerce with Avi Kumar

Optimize your buyers journey with Avi Kumar

Do you know the four ways to add B2B business to your B2C Shopify Store? Avi Kumar helps us to understand some of the complexities around doing B2B on Shopify. We discuss different business models and how you can be successful on your SaaS-based eCommerce store.

Sander Mangel

Commerce is Custom

Have you ever wanted to do something out of the ordinary in your Shopify store and then found a small application to do it? When you use SaaS, you don’t own or control any third-party code, and you depend on a small army of developers to host and maintain all your applications on Shopify.

Building a Customer Centric Culture

Store owners want to get from out of their e-commerce business. Real conversations happen when a customer-centric culture is a prime focus. Wheater you are a merchant or warehouse distributor, or a manufacturer looking for digital commerce. You should look at your tech partner, either agency or the solution integrator, and make sure they understand the business aspects and the workflow of your industry.

Bart Mroz

A Marketplace in the Cloud

The marketplace model is getting more popular and platforms to choose from are growing every day. Bart Mroz of SUMO Heavy talks about his experience as an agency and how he has helped medium and large merchants create their own marketplaces. We discuss the differences between Magento and Shopify.