

Revolutionizing Resale: Wilson Griffin on Recurate’s Sustainable Fashion Mission

In this episode of Talk Commerce, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Wilson Griffin, CEO and founder of Recurate. Wilson shared his insights on the resale market, sustainable fashion, and how Recurate empowers brands to embrace circularity.

The Environmental Impact of Fashion

Wilson highlighted the massive environmental footprint of the apparel supply chain, particularly in the fashion industry. He emphasized the duty of brands and enablers like Recurate to optimize manufactured product use.

“The apparel supply chain fashion in particular, but this is true of other industries as well, is it has a massive, massive environmental footprint. Just the amount of raw materials and resources that go into manufacturing the products that we buy.”

We can significantly reduce the industry’s environmental impact by extending product life cycles and reducing dependence on manufacturing new items.

Bringing Brands into the Resale Economy

Historically, brands have been excluded from the resale economy, with platforms like eBay and Poshmark facilitating secondhand sales without brand involvement. Recurate aims to change that by helping brands manage their own resale programs.

“What we’ve set out to do is help those brands to participate in this. So all of a sudden brands are incentivized to make higher quality goods that will last longer because they’re actually going to benefit from the second, third and fourth sales.”

By connecting brands with the resale market, Recurate enables them to benefit from multiple product life cycles, incentivizing the production of higher quality, longer-lasting goods.

Resale OS 2.0: Streamlining the Resale Process

Wilson introduced Recurate’s latest offering, Resale OS 2.0, which provides modular solutions for brands to integrate resale into their existing e-commerce ecosystem. With features like seller influencer closets and the ability to quickly launch resale programs, Recurate is making it easier than ever for brands to embrace circularity.

“The way that we, uh, work with brands is we’ve we fully integrate into their sort of e-commerce ecosystem tech stack. Uh, what that means is that we have access to a lot of that brand’s information as far as, you know, customer purchase history, the brand’s catalog.”

This integration allows brands to leverage customer data and product information to optimize their resale offerings and meet customer demand.

The Future of Sustainable Fashion

As we move into 2024 and beyond, Wilson sees a significant opportunity for brands to invest in sustainable practices and embrace the resale market. By offering secondhand products alongside new items, brands can grow their revenue without increasing their environmental footprint.

“There really is no incremental water usage or greenhouse gas emissions to sell a product a second time. All of that environmental impact went into the first sale of that product.”

Brands prioritizing sustainability, transparency, and innovation in their supply chains will be well-positioned to thrive in the growing resale economy.

As a fervent advocate for sustainability, I believe that the work Recurate does is crucial in transforming the fashion industry. By empowering brands to embrace resale and circularity, we can significantly reduce the environmental impact of the apparel supply chain while still meeting consumer demand.

I encourage listeners to check out Recurate’s website and reach out if you’re a brand interested in launching a resale program. As consumers, we can also support brands that offer resale options and prioritize sustainability.

To hear more of Wilson’s insights and the full conversation, be sure to listen to the complete Talk Commerce podcast episode. Let’s work together to revolutionize the fashion industry and create a more sustainable future.

Redefining Retail: Recurate’s ResaleOS™ 2.0 Revolutionizes the Secondhand Market

Recurate unveils its ResaleOS™ 2.0 suite of solutions, transforming how brands approach and capitalize on the booming secondhand market. Discover the groundbreaking features that streamline resale programs and drive growth.

Resale Revelation: How Brands Are Tapping Into Secondhand with Bianca Tarantowicz

Resale Revelation: How Brands Are Tapping Into Secondhand with Bianca Tarantowicz

In a recent podcast episode, I had the pleasure of hosting Bianca Tarantowicz from Recurate, a software-as-a-service company that helps brands enable their resale channel directly on their website. Alongside my co-host Madeleine, we delved into the world of branded resale, discussing its potential and how brands can leverage this growing market.

Meet Bianca, The Director of Brand Success at Recurate

Bianca, the Director of Brand Success at Recurate, is passionate about helping brands onboard and effectively communicate the benefits of branded resale to their customers. She is based in New York, specifically on Long Island, and has a background in competitive ballet dancing, which she believes has shaped her work ethic and who she is today.

The Power of Branded Resale

Bianca shed light on the challenges and excitement of implementing a resale strategy within a brand. She emphasized the importance of involving various departments, such as sustainability, e-commerce, and operations, to maximize the potential of resale. According to Bianca, brands can tap into their inventory and engage with customers by offering quality products at a fair price point.

The Rise of Secondhand Buying

Bianca and Madeleine discussed the growing acceptance of secondhand buying among shoppers and the convenience of online resale platforms. Bianca explained that Recurate ensures the legitimacy of the products before they go live on their platform. She also acknowledged that while there may be some hesitation from luxury brands to engage in resale, technology like digital ID can help authenticate luxury items.

The Impact of Fast Fashion

The conversation also touched on the concept of fast fashion, which refers to quickly produced, low-cost, and low-quality clothing that follows trends. Bianca explained that fast fashion poses challenges for resale due to its short lifespan and lower quality.

The Future of Innovation in the Sales Space

Bianca highlighted the concept of digital ID and the ability for consumers to track the lifecycle of their products as the future of innovation in the sales space. She also mentioned the potential for advancements in cleaning and repair technology, as well as the growth of peer-to-peer services and community-based collaborations.

The Success of Mansur Gavriel and the Dream of Landing Cult Gaia

Bianca mentioned the success of Mansur Gavriel, a handbag company that has embraced timelessness and authenticity in their products. She also revealed her “white whale,” or the brand she would love to land for Recurate, as Cult Gaia, a brand known for their funky and fun handbags.

The Benefits of a “Takeback” Program

Brent asked Bianca about a “takeback” program, where customers can trade in their pre-loved items for a gift card, and the brand can resell those items. Bianca explained how this program works and the benefits it offers.

Final Thoughts

In closing, Bianca emphasized the importance of brands embracing the resale market and the potential it holds for the future of retail. She encourages brands to consider the benefits of resale, not only for their bottom line but also for the environment and their customers.

In the world of retail, the future is resale, and brands that embrace this trend will be at the forefront of the industry.

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