Revolutionizing ecommerce: Live Video and the Future of Online Shopping with Patrick Jacobs

Talk-Commerce Patrick Jacobs

Revolutionizing ecommerce: Live Video and the Future of Online Shopping with Patrick Jacobs

In this episode, we’re joined by Patrick Jacobs, a seasoned entrepreneur and expert in the cable television and e-commerce industries. We discuss the future of online shopping and how live video is revolutionizing the customer experience. Learn about the innovative platform, Immers, and how it’s creating immersive experiences for customers while boosting sales and loyalty for brands.

TalkCommerce Ten Cringe-Worthy E-commerce Puns

Get Ready to Groan: 10 Cringe-Worthy E-commerce Puns You Won’t Help But Share!

Embrace your inner e-commerce enthusiast with a dose of humor! Our list of ten cringe-worthy e-commerce puns will have you chuckling, groaning, and maybe even sharing the laughs with your fellow online entrepreneurs. So, dive into the world of e-commerce comedy and enjoy some lighthearted relief from the serious side of running an online store.