Google has indicated that they disapprove of content that has been created using Artificial Intelligence technology.

Google has indicated that they disapprove of content that has been created using Artificial Intelligence technology

Google has indicated that they disapprove of content that has been created using Artificial Intelligence technology.

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines are designed to help webmasters create a website that can provide a better user experience for their visitors. To this end, Google does not allow websites to contain content created automatically through bots, scrapers, or other automated means.

5-benefits of fully integrated ecommerce platforms

5 benefits of fully integrated ecommerce platforms

Integrating commerce platforms can be an incredibly beneficial practice for businesses. It eliminates the need to juggle multiple accounts and systems, allowing for a more efficient workflow. This integration allows for the centralization of data and processes, providing a more streamlined experience for customers and employees.

BigCommerce reveals its integration with Amazon Buy with Prime service.

BigCommerce has unveiled the Buy with Prime application for their ecommerce platform, which promises to increase conversions by 25% on average. This development with Amazon eliminates the need for coding, allowing US-based merchants to offer the Prime delivery promise to their shoppers.

The Ultimate Guide to Headless Commerce

The Ultimate Guide to Headless Commerce: What It Is, How It Works, and Why You Need it!

The shift from search and browsing to direct engagement with brands is a trend that we see as the future of e-commerce – Headless Commerce.

3 Ways to Simplify Your Online Checkout Process

3 Ways to Simplify Your Online Checkout Process

When you’re running an ecommerce business, keeping your checkout process simple is essential. After all, the last thing you want is to scare away potential customers before they can buy your products.

TalkCommerce building a happy team

10 Things Employees Secretly Wish Their Bosses Would Do.

When it comes to communication, bosses can make or break relationships with their employees. Unfortunately, many bosses struggle when it comes to giving and receiving feedback.

Viewing employees as transactional instead of as an investment leads to high turn over

Viewing employees as transactional instead of as an investment leads to high turnover.

It is no secret that viewing employees as transactional instead of as an investment can have a negative effect on your business. The most obvious consequence of this attitude is a high turnover rate.

10 commerce joke for 2023

Ten Commerce Jokes for 2023

As the world of commerce continues to evolve, so too does the need for fresh, funny commerce jokes. In 2023, commerce jokes have evolved from the classic puns of the past to the more sophisticated wit of today.

Let Your Customers Do the Talking

The Most Boring Article About Telling Customer Stories You’ll Ever Read.

That’s where customer storytelling comes in. Customer storytelling is the practice of leveraging your customers’ stories to help tell your brand’s story. It’s a powerful way to engage your audience and build trust in your brand.

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Connect, engage, and grow your community with Rani Mani.

We talk about all things community and why some companies get community wrong. Rani Mani is deeply passionate about making customers successful and harnessing the power of customer feedback to improve the overall customer experience.