Looking for the patterns in your marketing with Kate Bradley

Talk-Commerce Kate-Bradley

Looking for the patterns in your marketing with Kate Bradley

Kate reveals one really cool new feature on Lately.ai. (You must listen to the end to hear the big reveal!)

Talk Commerce Vijay Golani

Magento Association – Meet Magento New York

We interview Vijay Golani about the upcoming event in New York as well as the Magento Association Events committee. @MagentoAssoc @vijaygolani

Talk-Commerce kalen jordan cricket protein

That was a joke

You will learn about surfing in Costa Rica, swimming in Minnesota, and electric skateboards. As a bonus, I have left in our conversation on Employee Happiness.

Meet Magento Indonesia

Meet Magento Indonesia 2022

Learn about Meet Magento Indonesia from Muliadi Jeo

Talk-Commerce Kalen Jordan Crickets

Are you thinking of employee happiness or just doing churn and burn

What are you doing to retain your employees? Are you thinking of happiness, or is your business model churn and burn. Brent and Kalen talk about this subject in this short episode.

Cricket Protein

Cricket Protein Bars: The Next Big Thing in Protein Bars?

In the world of protein bars, and manufacturers are coming up with new ideas to cater to the growing market for premium, healthy snacks. Beef protein bars, cricket-based protein bars, insect protein, and cricket flour protein bars – are all emerging trends that signal how dynamic this segment is becoming.

Talk-Commerce Kyle Stout

Learn to Love the Popup with Kyle Stout

If you can do one thing to speed up the growth of your email list, “learn to love the popup.” Kyle Stout answers some of the most crucial questions regarding your email marketing strategy

Talk-Commerce Nadav Charnilas

Unlock the Power of Your Customer Journey with Nadav Charnilas

Do you want to improve your conversion rates, decrease abandonment rates improve their acquisition efficiency, and spend? Have you ever created a customer journey? Nadav Charnilas helps us to understand and answer these questions and more.

Talk-Commerce Evan Padgett

Subscription Commerce with Evan Padgett

Subscriptions are for everyone and merchants need to examine their catalogs and learn what they can be selling constantly month over month.

Talk-Commerce JJ Reynolds

The Google Dashboard Genius with JJ Reynolds

Have you ever thought about the actions you should take on your marketing data? JJ Reynolds helps to eliminate the guesswork by using Google Marketing Cloud.