Help a Billion People with Reynaldo Santana

Talk Commerce Reynaldo Santana

Help a Billion People with Reynaldo Santana

Reynaldo Santana helps us understand the complicated maze of the Non-Profit Google Adword program and how he helps non-profits to better themselves through these online tools.

Talk-Commerce Lewis Rothkopf

The new world of digital with Lewis Rothkopf

Remember the days when you could turn on Google Ads and the customers would come flowing in the door? Those days are gone and Lewis Rothkopf walks us through techniques and ways to spend smart and measure often.

Talk-Commerce UnConf joseph maxwell

Swiftly get Certified with Joseph Maxwell

SwiftOtter is a trusted guide for eCommerce brands of enduring quality in a dynamic online marketplace. Our highly-experienced team of engineering-focused developers are known for helping our clients establish an excellent presence in the marketplace, avoid costly pitfalls and position themselves for explosive growth.

Talk-Commerce Taren Gesell

A Better App for Coaching with Taren Gesell

Business owners and entrepreneurs are known for their energy. They focus on their ideas but frequently, that energy is sedentary. Brent interviewed Taren Gesell or better known as Triathlon Taren. Taren went from an Ironman and Youtube sensation to a tech startup with an exciting and disruptive app called MoTTIV. This virtual coaching app helps athletes focus on what they need to focus on while still giving them the flexibility to live their busy lives.

Talk-Commerce Andrew Barkan

Faster is Better

Improve page load times by optimizing images tailored to the end user’s device with our device-aware image CDN. Start your 30-day free trial, no credit card is required. See how easy it is to integrate your website with ImageEngine.

Talk-Commerce Alvaro Verdoy

A Better SaaS PIM with Álvaro Verdoy

Sales Layer is a Product Information Manager in the cloud that centralizes product information and synchronizes it in all sales channels automatically (print, web, mobile, product feeds for retailers, and more)

Kalarav Vasavada

What India wants from the Magento Association with Kalarav Vasavada 

Brent and Kalarav talk about all things Magento and how the community has been embracing the changes that are happening with Adobe, Magento, and the Magento Association.

Talk Commerce Mariano Gomide de Faria

Commerce is a conversation with Mariano Gomide de Faria (Live from ShopTalk)

The United States needs to catch up with the rest of the world with conversational commerce. Mariano tells us how big players are going to be skipping distribution and going straight to the consumer. The world is global by definition.

Talk Commerce Brent Bellm Part 2

Big Brands using Multi-storefront on BigCommerce with Brent Bellm

The first two companies to go live with BigCommerce multi-store where giants Harvard business publishing

Talk Commerce Brent Bellm Part 1

The Launch of Multi-Storefront on BigCommerce with Brent Bellm

Multi-storefront is the biggest and most complex product release in our history and arguably one of the most complex and biggest product releases of any e-commerce platform in history.