Navigating Mergers and Acquisitions with Kison Patel

Talk-Commerce Kison Patel

Navigating Mergers and Acquisitions with Kison Patel

With so much technological disruption, it is important to stay relevant and I can think of no better way than merging, acquiring, or being acquired. However, these transactions fail because critical deal processes, such as diligence and integration, are being poorly conducted without proven success techniques.

Talk Commerce Asher Ismail

A new perspective on funding a business

Are you an entrepreneur looking for cash to grow? Banks, Venture capital, they all want a piece of you. Asher Ismail shows us a new perspective on funding a growing business and walks us through how his model will help entrepreneurs grow.

Talk Commerce Jared Loftus

The importance of engaging content with Jared Loftus

Do you want to create more engaging content in your newsletters? Jared Loftus helps us to understand the importance of a fabulous newsletter.

Talk-Commerce Chris Chasteen

Don’t Abandon Your Blog With Chris Chasteen

Content Cucumber is a writing company. Their clients are metaphorical directors since everything they create keeps the individual wants and needs in mind. Their subscription-based service even lets business leaders update their blogs without lifting a finger, giving them more time to focus on their company (or watch Netflix).

Talk-Commerce Shannon Kelly

Tax compliance is so much fun with Shannon Kelly

et Shannon Kelly. Shannon (pronounced Shanuuun in Galic) entertains us with his tax compliance antics and then we dive deep into partner marketing.

TalkCommerce with Avi Kumar

Optimize your buyers journey with Avi Kumar

Do you know the four ways to add B2B business to your B2C Shopify Store? Avi Kumar helps us to understand some of the complexities around doing B2B on Shopify. We discuss different business models and how you can be successful on your SaaS-based eCommerce store.

Karthik Chidambaram

The Move to Remote with Karthik Chidambaram

Before the pandemic, most CEOs thought a 100% remote workforce was unsustainable. The new reality is higher productivity by employees who have had to work at home. We interview Karthik Chidambaram with DCKAP about employee happiness as well as his adventures in selling products.

TalkCommerce with Avi Kumar

Optimize your buyers journey with Avi Kumar

Do you know the four ways to add B2B business to your B2C Shopify Store? Avi Kumar helps us to understand some of the complexities around doing B2B on Shopify.

Aron Stanic

Giving an Inch(oo) in the Magento Community with Aron Stanic

We discuss all the changes in the community over the years as well as the state of Magento and its brand. We finish off with a discussion on the importance of expectations in the client/agency relationship.

Swapnil Ghone

Ecommerce in India with Swapnil Ghone

The Indian Ecommerce market is progressing rapidly and merchants and agencies need to recognize its importance. Swapnil Ghone talks about his experience in the Indian market and we discuss some of the companies that are already succeeding